氧化多环芳烃(oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,OPAHs)是芳族苯环上具有至少一个羰基氧(C=O)的多环芳烃(PAHs)衍生物,其排放源与PAHs相似(即燃烧源与尾气排放源),也可由PAHs经光或化学氧化和生物转化产生[1]. OPAHs具有环境持久性、流动性和强毒性等特点[2],可长期存留于大气[3]、土壤[4]、水体[1]及其沉积物[5]等环境介质中,并通过多种途径(如呼吸吸入、直接接触和饮食摄入)进入生物体[6],进而对生态功能和生物体健康造成潜在影响.
已有研究发现,农业用地、工业用地和林业用地土壤中OPAHs有不同程度的残留量,且更易进入植物根部并富集,部分可向上迁移至茎叶部分,进而可影响植物形态、生长指标(如根芽长)、生理生化指标(如过氧化物酶含量)和生理过程(如线粒体损伤)[7 − 8]. 中国南方某典型城市表层土壤中OPAHs残留量远高于杂环多环芳烃,占比为16.8%[9]. 此外,菲等多环芳烃可诱发氧化应激以加快植物细胞膜脂类氧化进程,亦可导致光合作用和蛋白质生物合成所需基因下调[10],最终诱导植物细胞发生程序性凋亡、细胞器损伤或造成植物坏死病变[11]. Yun等[12]发现,硝基多环芳烃可影响种子萌发和幼苗生长以及导致根尖细胞染色体异常. 最近一项研究表明,OPAHs(如胡桃醌)可抑制玉米与小麦种子萌发生长、促进氧化应激且诱导过氧化物酶基因表达改变[13]. 目前OPAHs植物毒性及其机制的研究较少[2].
Effects of oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on growth and antioxidant physiological response of barley seedling
摘要: 近年来,多环芳烃衍生物—氧化多环芳烃(OPAHs)因其较高的环境检出和生态风险而备受关注. 为明确植物幼苗对OPAHs累积的响应,本研究采用水培实验和植物生理学手段探讨不同浓度OPAHs(1、3、10 μmol·L−1)胁迫下大麦生长发育、光合作用和氧化损伤及其抗氧化防御能力. 结果表明,OPAHs降低大麦种子萌发率、根芽伸长率和根芽干鲜重等指标,增加活性氧、过氧化氢水平以及抗氧化物质含量,但对叶绿素等光合色素无显著影响. 相关性分析显示,超氧化物歧化酶、还原型谷胱甘肽和类胡萝卜素参与叶片抑制氧化损伤过程,其中超氧化物歧化酶在1,2-苯并奎宁酮胁迫下的抗氧化防御中起到关键作用.Abstract: Recently, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons derivatives—oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (OPAHs) are widely noticed due to their high environment detection and ecological risk. To clarify the reponse of OPAHs accumulation in plant seedlings, this study investigated growth, photosynthesis, oxidative damages and antioxidant defense in barley under OPAHs stresses at different concentrations(1, 3, 10 µmol·L−1) via hydroponic experiments and plant physiological methods. The results showed that OPAHs inhibited index, such as barley seed germination, root elongation, bud elongation, shoot and root biomass, elevated the levels of ROS and H2O2, and induced antioxidant accumulation, but not significantly affecting photosynthetic pigment content such as chlorophylls. The correlation analysis further indicated superoxide dismutase, glutathione and carotenoid were involved in the inhibition of oxidative damages in barley leaves. Among them, superoxide dismutase was essential for antioxidant defense under 1,2-benzan-thraquinone stress.
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