Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Personal Care Products and Titanium Health Risk Assessment to Adult Consumers
摘要: 纳米二氧化钛(TiO2 NPs)具有良好的紫外线吸收反射能力和较好的增白特性,常作为防晒剂和增白剂在个人护理品(personal care products,PCPs)中被广泛应用。因此含有TiO2 NPs的不同种类PCPs是否会存在潜在的健康风险已经成为环境毒理学领域的热点。针对这一问题,选择目前市售的23种PCPs,包括牙膏、防晒类、洁面类和面膜类产品,进行TiO2 NPs的含量检测,并利用单颗粒电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(spICP-MS)分析部分PCPs中TiO2 NPs的粒径分布,最后结合美国环境保护局(US EPA)推荐的人体健康风险评价方法对这些PCPs中钛的健康风险进行评估。结果表明不同种类的PCPs中TiO2的含量差异较大,含量范围在16.8~14 264.2 mg·kg-1(以Ti计)之间;大部分PCPs都存在着TiO2 NPs,但不同种类的PCPs中最大频率粒径和平均粒径存在较大差异;检测的各类PCPs中钛的非致癌风险商在1.75×10-5~9.30×10-2之间,表明健康风险较小可以忽略。本研究成果为进一步研究PCPs中TiO2 NPs的生态和健康风险提供了基础数据,为TiO2 NPs的科学使用和管理提供了有力依据。Abstract: With its whiteness and shading properties, titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs) is widely used in personal care products (PCPs) as whitening agent and sun screening agent. The use of TiO2 NPs in PCPs raised concern about its impact on human health. Previous studies have shown that the exposure or intake of TiO2 NPs may lead to health risks to human digestive tract, cardiovascular system and nervous system. Therefore, whether different kinds of PCPs containing TiO2 NPs have potential health risks has become a hot spot in the field of environmental toxicology. In current study, 23 kinds of PCPs available on Chinese online or offline market were selected, including 9 kinds of toothpaste, 10 sunscreen products, 2 facial cleaner products, and 2 facial masks, and the content of TiO2 NPs was detected. The content of Ti in PCPs varied greatly, ranged from 16.8 to 14 264.2 mg·kg-1 (base on Ti mass), and not detected in one toothpaste and two sunscreen products. In some toothpastes and cleaner products, the Ti content weren't consistent with that labeled on the package. It indicates that the related government department should further strengthen the management of commodity labeling, especially for the nanomaterials. The health risk of Ti in different PCPs to adult consumers was evaluated using the human health risk assessment method, which was recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). The hazard quotient (HQ) of Ti in toothpastes, sunscreen, cleaner, and mask products was 1.75×10-5~9.30×10-2. The HQ of Ti in the above PCPs samples was far less than 1, indicating that the risk is low and could be ignored. The particle size distribution of TiO2 in some products was analyzed using single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (spICP-MS). Most products contained TiO2 NPs, but the size distribution was different between the samples according to the result of statistical analysis, in which the standard deviation was 0.046~0.105 nm. And the maximum frequency particle size and the average particle size between the PCPs also had a big difference (75~250 nm). However, the content of Ti in some sunscreen samples was high while TiO2 NPs was not detected using spICP-MS. This showed that the analytical method for TiO2 NPs size distribution using spICP-MS need to be further explored. The research provides fundamental data on the content and particle size distribution of TiO2 as well as the health risk of TiO2 NPs in PCPs. It also provides supporting information for the usage and management of TiO2 NPs.
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