Distribution Characteristics and Pollution Evaluation of Soil Radionuclides U and Th around a Uranium Hydrometallurgy Plant
摘要: 为探究某铀水冶厂周边土壤中放射性核素Th和U的污染特征和风险状况,采集其周边土壤样品,分析Th和U的含量、赋存形态及235U/238U原子比值,并采用地质累积指数法和风险评估编码法对Th和U的污染状况和生态风险进行评价。结果表明,研究区土壤中Th和U的平均含量分别为14.56 mg·kg-1和2.96 mg·kg-1,与当地土壤背景值相比,富集倍数为1.28倍和1.23倍;Th和U主要以残渣态的形式存在于土壤中,所占比例分别为98.12%和86.32%;235U/238U原子比值的平均值(0.00733)高于环境本底水平(0.00725)。空间分布显示,东南方向土壤中U含量、活性U比例和235U/238U原子比值均较高。污染评价结果表明,土壤中Th为未污染,U为低风险。研究区土壤轻微受到铀水冶厂生产活动影响,建议将土壤中U的含量和形态特征纳入常规监测。Abstract: To explore the distribution characteristics and the pollution status of thorium (Th) and uranium (U) in the soil around a uranium hydrometallurgy plant, we analyzed the contents, speciation of Th and U, and 235U/238U ratios in the soil samples. The geo-accumulation index and risk assessment coding method were used to evaluate the ecological pollution risk. The results showed that the average contents of Th and U were 14.56 mg·kg-1 and 2.96 mg·kg-1, respectively, which were 1.28 and 1.23 times of the local soil background values, respectively. However, the residual fractions of Th and U were 98.12%, and 86.32% respectively, accounting for the most abundant speciation in the soil. The average value of 235U/238U ratios in soil samples was 0.00733, which was higher than the soil background value of 0.00725, indicating the impact of industrial activities. The soil samples in the southeast of the study area showed obviously higher U content, active U proportion and 235U/238U ratio, further confirmed the impact of industrial activities. The risk assessment results showed a low pollution risk of uranium in the soil, the concentration and speciation of U should be considered in long-term monitoring.
Key words:
- uranium /
- soil /
- uranium hydrometallurgy plant /
- speciation /
- 235U/238U
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