河道水体中除常规污染物(氮、磷、有机物等)[1]之外,还广泛存在药物类污染物(如抗生素、消炎药等药物)[2-3]。药物类污染物通过污水处理厂尾水等途径被排入河道[2],易形成“持久性”污染,给非靶向水生生物带来风险[3-4],并潜在地影响水生生态系统和人类健康[3-5]。药物类污染物包括7种:酮洛芬、双氯芬酸、普萘洛尔、甲氧苄啶、罗红霉素、布洛芬和缬沙坦[6-9]。据调查,我国河道内药物类污染物的赋存浓度为0.1~ 1 200 ng·L−1[10-12],生态风险级别高[6]。当前河道治理技术主要针对常规污染物,去除药物类污染物的相关研究较为有限,有必要对现有河道治理技术进行改进并提高对常规污染物的处理效率,以实现对药物类污染物的有效去除。
表面流型人工湿地(表面流湿地)属于植物修复技术范畴,为河道水体治理的典型技 术[13]。尽管该技术的污染物处理效率不高,但其投资小且易于维护,水面无覆盖,有利于水生生态系统结构和功能的恢复,且可为水生生物及鸟类提供栖息场所,具有较高的景观价值等,因而在河道治理中具有广泛的适用性[13]。然而,目前此类人工湿地在河道治理应用中尚存在不足之处,如占地面积大、水质净化能力有限、实际应用中干扰因素多等,因此,有必要对其进行技术改进研究。
$ {\rm{NH}}_4^{+}$ -N和COD表征)的去除效率,其中,间歇曝气和连续曝气下TN可分别降低91.9%和53.7%[15];垂直潜流人工湿地中耦合间歇曝气技术对河道水体中污染物的去除率(以TN、${\rm{NH}}_4^{+}$ -N、TP和COD表征)可分别提升87%、37%和81%[16-18];在复合垂直流人工湿地中加入微曝气,最佳曝气条件下河道水体中污染物去除率(以TN、TP和COD表征)均大于90%,$ {\rm{NH}}_4^{+}$ -N去除率大于70%[19]。目前,曝气增氧技术与人工湿地耦合技术已用于处理染料废水[20]、含柴油废水[21]等工业废水。将曝气与表面流湿地耦合用于废水生物处理单元出水时,污染物(以TN、
${\rm{NH}}_4^{+} $ -N和COD表征)的去除率分别可提升25%、68%和74%[22]。表面流湿地的特点是水面无覆盖,可为曝气增氧创造有利条件,为技术耦合提供可操作性。而采用曝气增氧耦合表面流湿地治理药物污染河水的相关研究尚无报道。本研究将曝气增氧技术与表面流湿地相耦合,通过单因素实验和响应面分析优化工艺条件来处理药物污染河水,以期提高表面流湿地的污染物去除效果,优化其占地面积,延长其使用寿命,从而扩大表面流湿地的适用范围。
Aeration coupled surface flow wetland for river water treatment: Technological optimization and pharmaceutical removal performance
摘要: 采用曝气耦合表面流湿地工艺处理劣Ⅴ类河水,通过单因素实验和响应面分析优化工艺条件并探讨耦合技术对药物类污染物的去除效果。工艺优化后的曝气条件为:曝气量0.45 L·(min·L)−1,水力停留时间1 d,曝气间歇时间2 h(每曝气1 h),曝气位置(曝气深度/水深)0.5处。此条件下耦合技术去除TN、
${\rm{NH}}_4^{+}{\text{-}}{\rm{N }}$ 、TP和COD的效率为55.6%、78.7%、68.1%和53.4%。应用耦合技术处理了2个不同浓度级别(150 ng·L−1和1 000 ng·L−1)的含药物类污染物的河水。结果表明,耦合技术对酮洛芬、普萘洛尔、甲氧苄啶、罗红霉素、布洛芬和缬沙坦的去除效果皆优于对照实验,对罗红霉素和布洛芬的去除具有协同效应,同时,耦合技术对常规污染物TN、${\rm{NH}}_4^{+}{\text{-}}{\rm{N}}$ 和TP 的去除也具有协同效应。本研究可为河道治理中表面流湿地技术的改进及河道水体中药物类污染物的去除提供参考。Abstract: River water treatment is one of the issues of great concern in China. To date, it has been attracting increasing attention that more and more pharmaceuticals are detected in river waters. It requires to improve the technologies for river water treatment to enhance the removal efficiencies of traditional pollutants and to realize the removal of pharmaceuticals. In this study, the aeration technology was coupled to the surface flow wetland in order to enhance the treatment efficiency for river water inferior to Class V. Single factor and response surface analysis experiments were conducted to determine the optimized aeration conditions of the coupled technology, under which the removal performance of pharmaceutical pollutants was investigated through laboratory experiments. The results showed that the coupled technology was able to remove 55.6% of TN, 78.7% of${\rm{NH}}_4^{+}-{\rm{N}} $ , 68.1% of TP and 53.4% of COD from the river water, with the optimized aeration conditions which were determined as: aeration volume 0.45 L·(min·L)−1, reaction time 1 d, aeration intermission time 2 h per 1-hour aeration, and aeration position 0.5 (aeration depth/water depth). By using the optimized technology to treat the river water polluted by pharmaceuticals at a level of 150 ng·L−1 and 1000 ng·L−1, respectively, better removal performance compared to control experiments were observed for 6 pharmaceuticals including ketoprofen, propranolol, trimethoprim, roxithromycin, ibuprofen and valsartan. Particularly, cooperative effects were found for roxithromycin and ibuprofen, as well as TN,${\rm{NH}}_4^{+}-{\rm{N}} $ and TP. This research outcomes can provide data support for the technological improvement of surface flow wetlands applied for river water treatment, and also can propose a feasible and promising method to remove pharmaceuticals from river waters.-
Key words:
- river pollution control /
- pharmaceutical /
- constructed wetland /
- aeration /
- cooperative effect
表 1 模拟用水的水质指标及其中微量元素的质量浓度
Table 1. Parameters of simulated river water
/(mg·L−1) -N /(mg·L-1)${\rm{NH}}_4^{+} $ TP /(mg·L−1) COD /(mg·L−1) [I-]
/(μg·L−1)7 15 9 1.5 80 6.35 10.85 [Mn2+]
/(μg·L−1)72.5 19.55 1 0.08 0.05 80 1 120 表 2 Box-Behnken实验因素与水平
Table 2. Box-behnken experimental factors and levels
水平 曝气量A
/(L·( min·L)−1)水力停留时间B
/h曝气位置D −1 0.4 1 1 0.3 0 0.6 2 2 0.4 1 0.8 3 3 0.5 表 3 7种药物污染物的性质
Table 3. The physical and chemical properties of pharmaceuticals
药物名称 分子式 酸度系数 正辛醇/水分配系数 酮洛芬 C16H14O3 5.94 3.11 双氯芬酸 C14H11Cl2NO2 4.15 4.51 普萘洛尔 C16H21NO2 9.42 3.48 甲氧苄啶 C14H18N4O3 3.23, 6.76 0.91 罗红霉素 C41H76N2O15 9.17 2.75 布洛芬 C13H18O2 4.91 3.97 缬沙坦 C24H29N5O3 3.6 5.8 表 4 BBD实验结果
Table 4. BBD experimental results
序号 A B C D Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 1 0.6 2 2 0.4 30.3 45.0 44.8 43.4 2 0.6 2 2 0.4 30.0 39.7 41.8 43.4 3 0.6 2 2 0.4 29.3 46.1 49.5 48.8 4 0.6 3 3 0.4 30.7 47.0 45.5 29.6 5 0.6 1 2 0.5 55.3 67.9 85.9 48.1 6 0.4 2 3 0.4 26.0 47.0 50.8 24.4 7 0.8 1 2 0.4 50.5 51.8 32.8 30.2 8 0.4 2 2 0.5 47.4 61.0 64.5 41.9 9 0.6 3 1 0.5 28.6 40.3 45.1 27.4 10 0.4 1 2 0.5 37.7 65.9 63.7 54.1 11 0.6 2 3 0.5 34.4 48.2 56.4 41.1 12 0.6 2 1 0.3 26.8 42.2 57.2 58.9 13 0.6 2 2 0.4 32.5 48.0 53.4 48.8 14 0.4 3 2 0.4 32.4 46.0 46.0 47.3 15 0.6 2 3 0.3 27.8 45.0 49.9 49.6 16 0.6 1 1 0.4 36.1 50.0 51.3 48.1 17 0.6 2 1 0.5 34.4 48.2 59.8 41.9 18 0.6 3 2 0.5 43.4 52.2 40.2 27.4 19 0.8 2 1 0.4 24.6 41.5 46.9 11.1 20 0.8 2 2 0.3 45.9 51.0 45.1 30.4 21 0.8 3 2 0.4 40.2 59.3 43.7 24.0 22 0.6 3 2 0.3 41.3 37.2 36.2 60.7 23 0.6 1 3 0.4 32.3 46.3 52.6 43.7 24 0.6 2 2 0.4 30.7 41.3 44.8 51.9 25 0.4 2 1 0.4 28.2 34.1 35.3 42.2 26 0.8 2 2 0.5 38.4 60.5 67.7 20.7 27 0.6 1 2 0.3 44.5 80.0 87.6 53.5 28 0.4 2 2 0.3 30.8 60.7 62.8 57.0 29 0.8 2 3 0.4 30.8 55.7 57.9 20.0 注:A为曝气量(L·(min·L)−1)、B为水力停留时间(d)、C为曝气间歇时间(h)、D为曝气位置;Y1、Y2、Y3、Y4分别为TN、 -N、TP、COD的去除率(%)。${\rm{NH}}_4^{+} $ 表 5 响应面分析实验的数据统计分析
Table 5. Statistical analysis of the data from the response surface analysis experiment
水质指标 模型显著性 失拟项 可决系数(R2) 精密度 变化系数(CV)/% 显著项 TN ** 不显著 0.955 8 18.607 7 6.66 A,B,D,AD,CD,A2,B2,C2,D2 NH4+-N * 不显著 0.782 3 7.708 9 13.33 B,A2,B2,D2 TP ** 不显著 0.967 9 11.659 9.61 B,AB,D2 COD ** 不显著 0.906 7 11.815 6 14.02 A,B,D,AC,BD, A2,C2 注:1)*表示在α=0.05下差异显著(p<0.05);**表示在α=0.01下差异显著(p<0.01);2)A为曝气量;B为水力停留时间;C为曝气间歇时间;D为曝气位置。 表 6 耦合技术处理药物污染河水中常规污染物的去除率
Table 6. The removal rate of conventional pollutants with Coupled technology
实验内容 药物质量浓度/( ng·L−1) TN去除率/% -N去除率/%${\rm{NH}}_4^{+} $ TP去除率/% COD去除率/% 曝气实验 1 000 9.7±0.3 10.6±0.6 8.3±0.3 20.7±2.7 曝气实验 150 4.0±0.1 7.5±1.2 7.4±1.3 43.5±4.45 湿地实验 1 000 25.5±3.5 32.7±1.7 36.6±5.4 16.3±1.7 湿地实验 150 19.1±1.0 34.5±1.5 19.5±2.5 23.6±6.4 耦合实验 1 000 37.3±1.3(P=0.167)1) 50.7±0.7(P=0.064) 65.2±1.2*(P=0.346) 36.4±0.6(P=0.083) 耦合实验 150 44.2±3.0(P=0.240) 62.7±2.7(P=0.068) 53.9±1.1(P=0.039)2) 48.5±3.5(P=0.386) 响应面验证实验 — 55.6±7.2 78.7±4.0 68.1±5.9 53.4±4.2 注:1)耦合实验与验证实验结果进行独立样本t检验,所得P值且不存在显著性差异,即P>0.05;2)加粗P值表示存在显著性差异,即P<0.05;3)“*”表示两个浓度级别耦合实验结果进行独立样本t检验存在显著性差异。 -
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