International cooperative demonstration projects and progress to address Iran’s main water and environmental challenges
摘要: 根据伊朗水与环境领域的文献调研报告,并结合多次赴伊朗现场考察所得资料,归纳总结了伊朗在水与环境领域面临的主要问题,明确了伊朗与我国在该领域开展科技合作的需求。在此基础上,回顾了2016年以来中国科学院-发展中国家科学院水与环境卓越中心(CAS-TWAS CEWE)与伊朗德黑兰大学(University of Tehran)在水与环境领域开展科技合作的具体方式、内容,并梳理了推进中的技术示范工程。通过阶段性总结,进一步明确了今后双方合作的方向和具体举措,即通过强化合作平台建设,持续推动高效、务实项目合作,并助力中国环保企业拓展伊朗国内市场。Abstract: Building upon extensive literature review and field investigation, the main water and environmental challenges in Iran, along with international joint research needs in potential, were identified. Specifically, the multiple cooperations between CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence for Water and Environment (CAS-TWAS CEWE) and the University of Tehran (UoT) since 2016 was reviewed, among which, their current joint demonstration projects and progress in Iran were reported and analyzed in particular. Subsequently, the future cooperation direction and fit-for-purpose solutions were clarified. CAS-TWAS CEWE and UoT will continuously promote efficient and practical project cooperation via strengthening of the construction of cooperative platforms, and thereby helping Chinese environmental protection enterprises to expand the local market of Iran.
表 1 伊朗能源部发布的水务领域投资计划
Table 1. Investment plan for water sector released by Ministry of Energy of Iran
类别 项目内容 规模 投资方式 投资金额/(104美元) 海水淡化 海水淡化及供水基本规划 2项 BOO 360 000 海水淡化设施 4座 BOO 8 300 供水设施 自来水供水设施 2座 融资/BOT 4 000 未收益水量管理项目 35处 BOT/ROT 20 000 智慧水表安装 3×106台 ROT 28 100 污水处理 城市大型污水厂 4座 BOT 20 400 污水处理厂 17座 Buy-Back 77 000 能源部办公楼小型污水处理设施 100处 采购 18 000 农村污水 农村污水处理设施 70个村落 BOT 14 000 -
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