Research Advances in Evaluating Occurrence and Toxicity of Contaminants in Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluents and Receiving Waterways
摘要: 市政污水处理厂出水是影响受纳水体风险的重要因素,多类污染物随着出水排放进入受纳水体,造成复合污染状况,引发水质恶化、生物毒性、生物多样性下降和生态系统功能改变等水生态问题。此外,污染物在受纳水体中的分配、迁移、转化过程,也将改变污染状况,进而改变生物毒性,行之有效的综合毒性评估手段对风险管控至关重要。本文综述了污水处理厂出水及受纳水体的污染和毒性特征、现有实验室和原位评估方法的研究进展,提出利用原位暴露与生物测试联用技术评估出水受纳水体污染和毒性,最后对未来发展方向如新污染物筛查、致毒物识别等进行了展望。Abstract: Effluent from municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) is an important factor affecting ecological risk of the receiving waterways. Thousands of contaminants are discharged into the receiving water with WWTP effluent, resulting in a complex scenario of mixture exposure and a series of ecological consequences such as water quality deterioration, biodiversity decline, and change of ecosystem function. The distribution, transport, and transformation processes of contaminants would change the concentrations and composition of the parent contaminants and their transformation products in the receiving waterways, which further alters the mixture toxicity. Effective and comprehensive toxicity assessment of effluent discharge is essential for aquatic ecological risk assessment and management. This review summarizes research advances of the occurrence and toxicity of contaminants as well as the commonly used approaches in analyzing contaminants in WWTP effluents and the receiving waterways, proposes an integrated in-situ passive sampling and bioassay approach, and discusses the future research directions such as emerging contaminants screening and effect-based toxicity identification.
Key words:
- effluent /
- combined pollution /
- transport /
- transformation /
- passive sampling /
- in-situ bioassay
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