Efficiency and Application of Microbial-sorption Removal of Heavy Metals: A Review
摘要: 重金属因具毒性、易生物富集且不可生物降解等特性,其污染治理是环境领域的热点和难点。传统物理化学方法不同程度地存在着投资大、适用范围窄、易产生二次污染等问题,而基于微生物的生物吸附具备成本低、效率高、环境友好等优势,是重金属水污染治理领域的研究热点。基于前期研究,本文系统综述不同微生物(细菌、真菌和藻类等)对重金属离子(Pb2+、As3+/As5+、Cd2+、Cr3+/Cr6+、Cu2+和Zn2+)的吸附方式(胞外吸附、表面吸附和胞内吸附)、吸附去除效率、吸附机理(胞外沉淀、离子交换、表面络合、物理吸附、氧化还原、无机微沉淀和胞内积累等)和吸附影响因素(微生物种类与状态、重金属离子初始浓度、吸附时间、共存离子和环境因素等)。此外,亦对吸附后微生物材料中重金属的回收及实际应用中的常见问题(微生物比表面积小、菌种选育耗时、易受外界环境影响、吸附重金属后的微生物不易分离回收、微生物吸附剂对重金属的特异性选择等)进行了系统探究,并提出了一系列提高微生物吸附效率的改进措施(物理化学改性、生物改性和固定化)。综述内容可为提高微生物吸附去除重金属效率及其广泛应用提供理论依据和技术参考。Abstract: Heavy metals are toxic, bioaccumulative and non-biodegradable, rendering its treatment being a challenge of environmental issues. Traditional physical and chemical treatment methods (electrochemical treatment, membrane treatment, chemical precipitation, evaporation concentration, ion exchange, chemical redox and activated carbon/silica gel adsorption) are restricted during application due to the huge investment, limited application scope and high secondary-pollution risk. However, microbe-based sorption is an ideal remediation strategy to remove heavy metals from contaminated water via the chemical composition or structural properties of the microbe cell or its secretions. Microbes can adsorb heavy metal ions and both microbial adsorbents and the adsorbed heavy metals can be recovered. This method shows traits of low cost, high efficiency and being environmental friendly, thus has attracted increasing attention and been widely used in treatment of heavy metals-polluted water. Though there are reports about mechanisms and applications of microbial-sorption removal of heavy metals, the influencing factors during practical application and strategies for further improving removal efficiency are poorly summarized. Hence, it is important to understand the processes influencing heavy metals biosorption removal by microbes, thereby developing effective biotechnologies to enhance the removal of heavy metals from water. Therefore, basing on summary of previous studies, this paper systematically summarize information on biosorption processes of heavy metals (Pb2+, As3+/As5+, Cd2+, Cr3+/Cr6+, Cu2+, and Zn2+) by different microbes (bacteria, fungi, and algae), including biosorption types (extracellular adsorption, surface adsorption and intracellular adsorption), biosorption removal efficiency, biosorption mechanisms (extracellular precipitation, ion exchange, surface complexation, physical adsorption, redox, inorganic microprecipitation and intracellular accumulation), and the associated influencing factors (microbial species and status, initial concentration of heavy metal ions, reaction time, coexisting ions, environmental factors). Since the limitation during practical application and the necessity to recover heavy metal sources, the common problems during practical application (limited specific surface area of microbes, time-consuming breeding process of strains, vulnerable for external environment changes, difficulties in separating and recovering microbes from solution, selective biosorprtion of specific heavy metals, etc.) and methods to recover heavy metals from the microbial materials after biosorption are also illustrated. In addition, methods or strategies to improve microbial-sorption efficiencies including physical and chemical modification, biological modification and immobilization are proposed. Moreover, further researches and suggestions for improving biosorption efficiency including screening heavy metals high-resistant microbes, constructing effective microbe strains by molecular biotechnologies, developing microbial adsorbent with high specific surface area are proposed. The information in this review provides theoretical bases and technical supports for improving the efficiency of microbe-based biosorption removal of heavy metals from polluted water and helps to better understand the mechanisms and limitations of biosorption process thus to enhance its practical application.
Key words:
- heavy metals /
- biosorption /
- water treatment /
- physico-chemical modification /
- biological modification
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