交通运输行业会产生温室气体[1]。柴油重型卡车广泛应用于交通运输行业,其工作强度大,碳排放量在整个行业中占比较大,年增长率约2.6%[2]。陈金潮等[3]整理了天津市重型柴油车碳排放清单,并推算出天津市重型柴油车2021年CO2排放总量为2.857×106 t。金昱等[4]通过关联分析得到重型货车碳排放时间和空间分布特征。贾术艳等[5]对不同场景下货车运营环节产生的碳排放趋势进行预判,推演出了货车运营环节的碳达峰时间。乔英俊等[6]认为我国车辆企业需积极探索科学合理的产业链全生命周期碳排放核算标准,以构建车辆产业全生命周期碳排放核算体系,使车辆企业既能兼顾环保问题,又能在贸易竞争中取得优势。
常用的碳核算方法有3种:实测法[7]、排放因子法[8]和全生命周期法[9]。实测法相对精确,但数据难获取、成本高,且限制了其应用;排放因子法简单直接,具有较高的适用性,但地域性较强,不确定性较大;全生命周期法是一种自下而上的方法,考虑了全过程的碳排放,明确区分了各类设备和各个阶段之间的差异,更适用于需要对比分析碳排放差异的情况[10]。刘焕然等[11]对重型自卸车全生命周期碳排放进行了研究,发现车辆单位周转量碳排放量为64.1~229.8 g·(t·km)−1,燃料周期的排放占车辆全生命周期碳排放量的80%~90%。FARZANEH等[12]用全生命周期法对比了载重相同的内燃机货车和电动货车的碳排放量,发现电动货车的CO2排放量明显低于内燃机货车,且电动货车还有进一步减少CO2排放量的空间。GUO等[13]比较了电动汽车和汽油汽车全生命周期成本和减排成本,发现只有当汽油价格超过每升9.8元时,电动汽车的全生命周期成本才低于燃油汽车,且边际减排成本为负,在这种情况下,发展电动汽车可促进减排。
目前,国内外针对车辆的全生命周期法碳核算研究多集中于燃料方面[14-16],且研究对象的重量一般低于30 t,鲜有关于采用该方法针对矿用柴油重卡这种超大型车量进行碳核算的报道。基于此,本课题组采用全生命周期法将柴油重卡全生命周期内排放的温室气体折算成二氧化碳当量 (CO2-eq) 的形式,建立柴油重卡全生命周期碳核算模型;以内蒙古通辽市某煤矿现有的4种柴油重卡为研究对象,对其全生命周期碳排放量进行估算,分析各个阶段碳排放规律;从车辆重量与经济性角度,将4种车辆统一基准,比较其单位重量排放量和单位价格排放量,以期为煤矿制定减排措施和进行低碳产业结构调整提供参考。
Carbon accounting and case analysis of mining diesel heavy trucks based on full life cycle method
摘要: 矿用柴油重卡因工作任务量大和工作环境恶劣,导致其碳排放量巨大。从使用矿用柴油重卡的企业角度出发,采用全生命周期法,理清了矿用柴油重卡全生命周期各个阶段的碳排放量及影响碳排放的因素,建立了矿用柴油重卡碳核算模型。以内蒙古某煤矿4种柴油重卡为案例,对矿用柴油重卡全生命周期碳排放量进行了核算,分析了核算结果,并从车辆重量与经济性角度,分析比较了几种车辆的单位重量排放量和单位价格排放量。结果表明:矿用柴油重卡全生命周期碳排放量由车辆重量和燃料消耗量共同作用,其中燃料消耗量占绝大比重。综合考虑节能减排和经济性,重量为156 t和85 t的车辆是最佳选择,煤矿企业可适当提高该类车辆的占比。在保证工作量的情况下,将138 t和65 t车辆代替为156 t和85 t的车辆,全生命周期内可减少1.275×105 t 的碳排放量,节省9 936.704 万元的花费。本研究结果可为重卡企业开展节能减排工作提供参考。Abstract: In recent years, carbon emission has attracted wide attention from all over the world. Mining diesel recaine, with its large work volume and harsh working environment, leads to huge carbon emission. However, there are few studies on its carbon emission. Based on this, from the perspective of enterprises using mining diesel heavy trucks, a carbon accounting model for mining diesel heavy trucks is established by adopting the whole life cycle method, aiming to clarify the carbon emissions of mining diesel heavy trucks at each stage of the whole life cycle and the factors affecting carbon emissions. Meanwhile, taking four kinds of diesel heavy trucks in a coal mine in Inner Mongolia as an example, the life cycle carbon emissions of mine diesel heavy trucks were calculated, and the calculation results of four kinds of vehicles were analyzed. From the perspective of vehicle weight and economy, emissions per unit weight and emissions per unit price of several vehicles are analyzed and compared. The results show that the carbon emissions of the whole life cycle of mining diesel heavy trucks are the result of the combined action of vehicle weight and fuel consumption, of which fuel consumption accounts for the vast majority. Considering energy saving, emission reduction and economy, vehicles weighing 156 tons and 85 tons are the best choices, and coal mining enterprises can appropriately increase the proportion of such vehicles. Under the condition of ensuring the amount of work tasks, replacing 138-ton and 65-ton vehicles with 156-ton and 85-ton vehicles can reduce carbon emissions by 1.275×105 t and save 99 367 040 yuan in the whole life cycle. The results of this study can provide reference for enterprises to carry out energy conservation and emission reduction work.
Key words:
- carbon dioxide /
- life cycle method /
- carbon accounting /
- diesel heavy truck /
- vehicle /
- reducing emissions
表 1 全球增温潜势因子
Table 1. Global warming potential factors
温室气体 GWP CO 2 NOx 320 CH4 25 CO2 1 N2O 290 表 2 燃料热值
Table 2. Calorific value of each fuel
燃料名称 数值/(MJ·kg−1) 原油 41.81 柴油 42.65 汽油 44 标油 41.87 表 3 柴油生产过程中各温室气体排放因子
Table 3. Greenhouse gas emission factors in diesel production
温室气体 排放因子/(kg·t−1) N2O 0.044 CO 0.35 NOx 1.883 CH4 1.82 CO2 586.69 表 4 柴油燃烧过程中各温室气体排放因子
Table 4. Greenhouse gas emission factors during diesel combustion
温室气体 排放因子/ (g·kg−1) CO 26.64 NOx 38.41 CH4 0.23 CO2 3 188.000 N2O 0.08 表 5 车辆主体各子系统构成比例
Table 5. Composition proportions of each subsystem of the vehicle body
名称 比例 车身系统 47.29% 发动机系统 17.75% 传动系统 7.51% 底盘系统 25.58% 控制器 1.87% 合计 100% 表 6 车辆各原材料生产过程温室气体排放因子
Table 6. Greenhouse gas emission factors during the production of raw materials for vehicles
名称 CO/(kg·t−1) NOx/(kg·t−1) CH4/(kg·t−1) CO2/(kg·t−1) N2O/(kg·t−1) 钢材 6.88 15.47 27.44 5 091.7 0.4 铸铁 4.09 7.96 15 2 554.9 0.2 铝材 497.59 227.51 247.45 73 738.4 5.67 铜 16.81 78.08 84.22 24 594.98 1.93 玻璃 2.58 17.56 13.8 4 386.97 0.32 塑料 — — 0.19 123.6 1.58 橡胶 12.99 40.32 49.34 15 360.26 1.13 油漆 — — 15 4 350 1.250 表 7 车辆基础数据
Table 7. Basic vehicle data
车辆种类 重量/t 年耗油量/t 载重/t 价格/万元 A类车辆 156 409 220 1 316.181 B类车辆 138 380 172 1 700 C类车辆 85 348 108 559.313 D类车辆 65 273 90.4 450 表 8 燃料周期碳排放量
Table 8. Fuel cycle carbon emissions
车辆种类 WTP阶段/t PTW阶段/t 燃料周期总排放量/t A类车辆 5 990.400 74 692.8 80 683.2 B类车辆 5 690.88 70 958.16 76 649.04 C类车辆 5 211.648 64 982.736 70 194.384 D类车辆 4 088.448 50 977.836 55 066.284 表 9 车辆各子系统质量
Table 9. Mass of each subsystem of the vehicle
车辆种类 车身系统质量/t 发动机系统质量/t 传动系统质量/t 底盘系统质量/t 控制器质量/t 合计质量/t A类 73.772 27.690 11.716 39.905 2.917 156.000 B类 65.260 24.495 10.364 35.300 2.581 138.000 C类 40.197 15.088 6.384 21.743 1.590 85.000 D类 30.739 11.538 4.882 16.627 1.216 65.000 表 10 车辆各原材料能耗量
Table 10. Energy consumption of each raw material
材料种类 比例 物料利用率 A类车辆/t B类车辆/t C类车辆/t D类车辆/t 钢材 66.99% 50.60% 206.53 182.7 112.533 86.054 铸铁 6.30% 51.28% 19.165 16.954 10.433 7.986 铝材 5.62% 80% 10.959 9.695 5.971 4.566 铜 3.32% 76.92% 6.733 5.956 3.669 2.806 玻璃 3.10% 90.91% 5.32 4.706 2.898 2.216 塑料 11.11% 70.13% 24.714 21.862 13.466 10.297 橡胶 2.02% 80% 3.939 3.485 2.146 1.641 油漆 1.54% 83.33% 2.883 2.55 1.571 1.201 表 11 车辆周期碳排放量
Table 11. Vehicle cycle carbon emissions
车辆种类 原材料生产阶段/t 车辆主体制造阶段/t 车辆使用阶段/t 车辆周期总排放量/t A类 3 019.412 195.286 346.896 3 561.594 B类 2 671.018 172.753 346.896 3 190.667 C类 1 645.192 106.406 346.896 2 098.494 D类 1 258.088 81.369 346.896 1 686.353 -
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