Spatial distribution characteristics and genesis of groundwater with high iron and manganese content in Kashi Prefecture, Xinjiang
摘要: 本文依据新疆喀什地区171组地下水水质测试结果,从研究区的原生地层环境、氧化还原条件、地下水酸碱条件和水化学指标因子分析等方面,运用统计学方法和GIS技术,分析Fe和Mn超标原因.结果表明,喀什地区地下水中Fe、Mn超标现象普遍,Mn的超标率大于Fe(总体超标率分别为60.8%和39.8%),研究区承压含水层中的Fe、Mn超标率均大于潜水;地下水中Fe、Mn主要来源于原生地层环境中的铁、锰矿物;受地面径流补给及有机质影响,地下水偏向还原环境,使得Fe和Mn含量超标;潜水含水层中Fe含量超标与人类活动影响有关;高矿化度和蒸发浓缩作用增强利于Mn含量升高,高Fe地下水受人为活动影响较大.Abstract: Based on the test results of 171 groups of groundwater in Kashi Prefecture of Xinjiang, using statistical methods and GIS technology, the reasons for iron and manganese exceeding the standard were analyzed from the original stratum environment, redox conditions, groundwater acid and alkali conditions, and the factor analysis of water chemical index. The results showed that the phenomenon of excessive iron and manganese in groundwater in the study area was common. The exceeding standard rate of manganese was higher than that of iron, and the overall exceed rate of manganese and iron was 60.8% and 39.8% respectively. The exceeding standard rate of iron and manganese in confined groundwater was higher than that of unconfined groundwater. Groundwater iron and manganese mainly derived from the iron and manganese minerals in the original stratum environment. Affected by surface runoff supply and organic matter, groundwater was a reducing environment, resulting in iron and manganese content exceed the standard. Iron content related to the impact of human activities in unconfined groundwater. High salinity and evaporative concentration effect contributed to the increase of manganese content, and groundwater high iron was greatly affected by human activities.
Key words:
- Kashi Prefecture /
- groundwater /
- iron and manganese /
- distribution characteristics /
- influencing factors
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