Analysis of variation characteristics and influencing factors of δ13CDIC in cave water of Mahuang Cave, Suiyang, Guizhou
摘要: 为探究岩溶洞穴水溶解无机碳同位素(δ13CDIC)的变化特征、来源、影响因素及与主要水文地球化学指标间的相互关系.于2016年9月-2017年8月,逐月对贵州绥阳麻黄洞上覆土壤空气、不同类型洞穴水及对应洞穴空气环境指标进行野外监测、采样和室内实验,并运用数理统计分析方法对各监测指标进行分析.结果表明,时间上,不同类型洞穴水中δ13CDIC值均表现出旱季偏重,雨季偏轻的季节性变化特征;空间上,δ13CDIC值表现出地下暗河 > 洞穴滴水 > 裂隙水的特征.洞穴水δ13CDIC值与其主要水文地球化学指标中的水温、EC、Ca2+、HCO3-、SIc等呈显著负相关关系,与pH、Mg/Ca、Sr/Ca等呈显著正相关关系,但由于不同类型洞穴水在基岩裂隙或岩溶管道中运移路径、洞穴上覆地表植被覆盖、洞穴水是否充分脱气及二次溶蚀作用等因素影响,洞穴水点间δ13CDIC值与其主要水文地球化学指标间的相关性系数存在明显差异.洞穴水中δ13CDIC主要来源于洞穴上覆土壤和基岩裂隙或岩溶管道中,土壤CO2在诸多因素中占主导地位,不同类型洞穴水间存在明显差异.旱、雨季节土壤CO2浓度是影响洞穴水δ13CDIC值季节变化的重要因素,洞穴水δ13CDIC值的变化能够响应当地降雨量及地表温湿状况的变化.Abstract: The variation characteristics, sources, influencing factors of dissolved inorganic carbon isotopes (δ13CDIC) in karst cave water could have correlations with main hydrogeochemical indexes. To test the hypothesis, a series monitoring was carried out at the Mahuang Cave of Suiyang, Guizhou. Field monitoring, sampling and laboratory experiments were conducted on the overlying soil air, different types of cave water and corresponding cave air environmental indexes month by month, from September 2016 to August 2017. Then mathematical statistical analysis method was used to analyze the tendencies. It was indicated that the seasonal variation characteristics of δ13CDIC values in different types of cave waters were heavier in the dry season and lighter in the rainy season, while spatial variation performed with δ13CDIC (underground river) > δ13CDIC (cave dipping) > δ13CDIC (fissure water). Among major hydrogeochemical indicators, the cave water δ13CDIC values showed a significant negative correlation with water temperature, EC, Ca2+, HCO3- and SIc, while performed a significant positive correlation with pH, Mg-Ca ratio and Sr-Ca ratio. However, due to the influences of different types of cave water migration path in bedrock fissure or karst pipeline, overlying surface vegetation cover, sufficient degassing of cave water, secondary dissolution and other factors, the correlation coefficients of δ13CDIC values between cave water points and their main hydrogeochemical indicators were significantly different. Overlying soil and bedrock fissures or karst pipelines were the main sources of δ13CDIC in cave water. Soil CO2 played a dominant role among many factors, and there were significant differences among different types of cave water. Soil CO2 concentration in the dry and rainy season was an important factor affecting the seasonal variation of δ13CDIC value of cave water. The change of δ13CDIC value of cave water could respond to changes in local rainfall, surface temperature and humidity.
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