Characteristics and source apportionment of ambient volatile organic compounds of different functional areas in Taiyuan City
摘要: 采集太原市3个不同功能区夏季和冬季环境空气样品,使用色谱-质谱仪测定挥发性有机物(VOCs)的组成,分析VOCs浓度变化和日变化特征,计算臭氧生成潜势(OFP),利用特征比值法和正定矩阵因子分析法(PMF)研究环境空气中VOCs的来源.结果表明,观测期间太原市环境空气中VOC总浓度变化范围为(36.27—210.67)μg·m-3,夏季和冬季VOCs化合物平均质量浓度为49.73 μg·m-3和205.19 μg·m-3,冬季环境空气中VOCs浓度是夏季VOCs的4.13倍;VOCs日变化受到机动车排放和光化学反应显著影响,且夏季影响大于冬季;夏季OFP最大的物种为烯烃类化合物,冬季OFP最大的物种为芳香烃类化合物.太原市环境空气中VOCs主要包括五类污染源,分别为燃煤源28.10%、机动车源27.41%、挥发源22.90%、液化石油/天然气源14.90%和植物源6.69%;不同功能区主要污染源存在差异,太原市夏季工业交通区最主要排放源为燃煤源,居民商业混合区和居民交通区受燃煤源和机动车排放源共同影响,冬季太原市燃煤源是环境空气中VOCs的最主要污染源.Abstract: Ambient air samples were collected in three functional areas of Taiyuan city, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to investigate its component characteristics. The seasonal (summer and winter) and diurnal variations of atmospheric VOCs concentrations in Taiyuan were studied, the ozone formation potential (OFP) was calculated, and emission sources of VOCs were analyzed by using characteristic ratios and Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF). The results showed that, the VOCs concentration in ambient air of Taiyuan ranged from 32.67 to 210.67 μg·m-3 during the observation period, while the average concentrations in summer and winter were 49.72 μg·m-3 and 205.19 μg·m-3, respectively. The level of VOCs in winter was 4.13 times higher than that in summer. The results of diurnal variation showed that the concentration of VOCs were mainly controlled by vehicle emission and photochemical reactions. Based on PMF model analysis, five sources and its contribution were identified, including coal combustion (28.10%), vehicle emission (27.41%), evaporation emission (22.90%), LPG/NG (14.90%) and biogenic source (6.69%). Specifically, VOCs collected in the functional area of industrial and traffic mixture predominantly influenced by coal combustion in summer, while the other two functional areas were mainly affected by both coal combustion and vehicle emission. In winter, coal combustion was the main source of ambient VOCs at three different functional in Taiyuan.
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