Exposure to perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances and association with the level of pubertal development of adolescents near a flurochemical plant
摘要: 本研究采用分层随机整群抽样方法选取232名13—16岁在校中学生,进行问卷调查和体格检查,使用超高效液相色谱串联质谱法(UPLC-MS/MS)测定血清中18种PFASs含量,运用有序多分类Logistic回归分析PFASs暴露与性征发育水平的关联性.血清中共检出16种PFASs,其中有11种检出率大于60%.PFOA为主要污染物,占检出PFASs总含量的67.8%—97.7%,中位数为94.2 ng·mL-1.男生PFBA和PFHpA浓度高于女生,PFHpA和PFOA浓度随学生家庭至工厂距离增大而下降,P<0.05,具有统计学意义.男生阴毛发育与PFOA、PFOS和PFNA有关,PFOA中低浓度组(Q2)、PFOS中高浓度组(Q3)、PFNA中高浓度组(Q3)和高浓度组(Q4)相对于各自低浓度组(Q1)与男生阴毛发育负相关,OR(95% CI)分别为0.291(0.091—0.935)、0.214(0.065—0.701)、0.246(0.079—0.771)和0.197(0.058—0.666),P<0.05.男生外生殖器发育与PFNA有关,中低浓度组(Q2)和高浓度组(Q4)相对于低浓度组(Q1)与男生外生殖器发育呈负相关,OR(95% CI)分别为0.200(0.058—0.689)和0.179(0.047—0.682),P<0.05.女生阴毛发育与PFHxS有关,中低浓度组(Q2)相对于低浓度组(Q1)与阴毛发育水平负相关,OR(95% CI)为0.360(0.138—0.938),P<0.05.该地区青少年处于PFOA高暴露水平,部分PFASs与青少年性征发育负相关,可能对青春期性发育产生影响.Abstract: A school-based survey was conducted with a random stratified cluster sampling method. 232 adolescents aged 13—16 years were selected, given questionnaire and physical examination. Levels of 18 PFASs in serum were quantified by UPLC-MS/MS. Ordered logistic regression was conducted to explore the association between PFASs and sexual maturity. 16 PFASs were detected in serum among which the detection rate of 11 kinds were over 60%. PFOA turned out to be the predominant PFASs with a median concentration of 94.2 ng·mL-1, taking up 67.8%—97.7% of total content. Male was with higher concentration of PFBA and PFHpA in serum than female (P<0.05). The concentration of PFHpA and PFOA decreased as the distance to the factory increased (P<0.05). Compared with the reference group (Q1), PFOA(Q2), PFOS(Q3) and PFNA (Q3, Q4) were negatively correlated with the pubic hair development of male. OR (95% CI) was 0.291 (0.091—0.935), 0.214 (0.065—0.701), 0.246 (0.079—0.771) and 0.197(0.058—0.666), respectively (P<0.05). PFNA(Q2,Q4) was negatively correlated with the genitalia development of male with OR (95% CI) 0.200 (0.058—0.689) and 0.179 (0.047—0.682) (P<0.05). PFHxS (Q2) was negatively correlated with pubic hair development of female with OR (95% CI) 0.360 (0.138—0.938), P<0.05. Our results showed that teenagers in this area were under high exposure of PFASs, some of which were negativelycor related and could make an effect on the sexual maturity of adolescents.
Key words:
- adolescents /
- PFASs /
- sexual maturity /
- Tanner stage
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