Concentration changes and characteristics of atmospheric carbon particulates in Lhasa
摘要: 利用STAPLEX大流量分级采样器于2014年8—12月采集拉萨市城区大气颗粒物84个样品,测定不同粒径上有机碳(OC)和元素碳(EC)的质量浓度,定性分析二次有机碳(SOC),基于碳质组分和14C值得到其来源.结果表明,不同粒径的OC质量浓度呈双峰分布,较高峰出现在<0.49 μm粒径段,次高峰出现在1.5—3.0 μm粒径段(8—9月)和3.0—7.2 μm粒径段(11—12月);EC主要分布在<0.49 μm粒径段.OC/EC比值为4.15—33.80,表明拉萨大气颗粒物存在二次有机碳.研究表明,拉萨市碳质颗粒物的主要污染源是燃煤、机动车尾气、生物质燃烧和地面扬尘、生物质燃烧和地面扬尘是OC的主要来源,燃煤和机动车尾气则是EC的主要来源.Abstract: Based on carbonaceous components and 14C value, the pollution characteristics and sources of carbonaceous aerosols in Lhasa were investigated through the measurement of mass concentration of size-segregated organic carbon (OC), element carbon (EC) and secondary organic carbon (SOC). 84 samples of atmospheric aerosols in urban area of Lhasa were collected from August to December 2014 by STAPLEX large-flow grading sampler. Two peak values were obtained from mass concentration of size-segregated OC.The highest level of OC mass concentration appeared in the particulate matter smaller than 0.49 μm, and the second highest one existed in the particulate matter with the size ranging from 1.5 to 3.0 μm (in August and September) and from 3.0 to 7.2 μm (in November to December). EC was mainly distributed in the particulate matter smaller than 0.49 μm. The ratio between OC and EC (4.15—33.80) indicated the existence of secondary pollution. The research shows that the main sources of pollution of carbonaceous particulate matter in Lhasa are coal burning, motor vehicle exhaust, biomass combustion and soil dust. Biomass combustion and soil dust are the main sources of OC; while coal and motor vehicle exhaust are the main sources of EC.
Key words:
- atmospheric particular matter /
- organic carbon /
- elements carbon /
- 14C /
- source analysis /
- Lhasa
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