Preparation and NO catalytic oxidation activity of natural manganese oxide/Ce/TiO2 composite catalysts
摘要: 以安徽省青阳县出产的天然锰矿作为前躯体,采用等体积浸渍法制备了负载型天然锰矿/Ce/TiO2复合催化剂,采用X射线衍射、比表面积分析及NO吸脱-脱附实验等方法对催化剂结构进行表征,探讨了活性组分Ce和Ti的掺杂比例、催化剂煅烧温度及反应温度等因素对其催化氧化NO和抗硫性能的影响.结果表明,经250℃煅烧的天然锰矿同时负载5% Ce和5% Ti的催化剂具有良好的催化氧化NO性能,当烟气温度在300℃及空速12000 h-1条件下,0.1%的NO氧化生成NO2的产率可达98%;当配气中单独加入5%水蒸气或低浓度SO2(2(> 0.05%)时,催化氧化活性下降,停止添加后,其活性仍不能有效恢复.Abstract: With the natural manganese oxide produced in Qingyang County of Anhui Province as the precursor, natural manganese oxide/Ce/TiO2 composite catalysts were prepared by equivalent-volume impregnation method. Its morphology and structure were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), BET specific surface area and NO temperature-programmed desorption measurement. The influence of Ce and Ti doping ratio, calcinations and reaction temperatures of the composite catalysts on their performance of NO selective catalytic oxidation (SCO) and SO2 resistance were systematically investigated. The results showed that natural manganese oxide doped with 5% Ce and 5% Ti and calcined at 250℃ had the highest catalytic activity for NO conversion and the NO2 yield was about 98% in the case of 0.1% NO and 300℃ with space velocity of 12000 h-1. Neither H2O nor less than 0.03% SO2 had any adverse impact on the activity, but a decrease of SCO activity was observed after high concentrations(> 0.05%) of SO2 were introduced. Simultaneous addition of 5% H2O and 0.05% SO2 led to a synergistic poisoning effect, and the catalytic activity was not recovered when these gases were switched off.
Key words:
- natural manganese oxide /
- cerium /
- titanium /
- catalytic oxidation denitration /
- flue gas temperature
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