Acute and Chronic Toxic Effects of Methoxyfenozide on Silkworm and Its Ecological Risk Assessment
摘要: 昆虫生长调节剂类杀虫剂甲氧虫酰肼在农业生产中大量广泛使用对生态环境的毒副作用逐渐表现出来,但对蚕桑业的潜在不利影响研究仍然不够深入。为了明确甲氧虫酰肼在蚕区桑园及其周边农田使用对蚕业生产安全性的影响,本研究采用定量喷雾法评价了甲氧虫酰肼对家蚕的急性和慢性毒性效应,并根据风险商值法进行初级风险评估。急性毒性研究结果表明,甲氧虫酰肼对家蚕二龄幼虫168 h-LC50为0.134 mg·kg-1(以单位桑叶质量计),属于剧毒级别。慢性毒性研究结果表明,当药剂浓度≥1.04×10-2 mg·kg-1时,二眠和三眠蚕体质量等生长发育指标与对照相比均显著降低(P<0.05);当药剂浓度≥2.74×10-2 mg·kg-1时,全茧量、茧层量、茧层率和结茧率等重要经济性状指标与对照相比均显著下降(P<0.05),表明甲氧虫酰肼对家蚕具有较强的慢性毒性效应。结合甲氧虫酰肼田间推荐剂量计算风险商值(RQ),初级风险评估结果表明,甲氧虫酰肼对家蚕的风险为不可接受(RQ>1)。因此,鉴于甲氧虫酰肼对家蚕具有极高的急性毒性和慢性毒性效应,且生态风险为不可接受,在害虫综合治理中应当禁止其在桑园及其周边农田使用,或采取有效措施降低其使用风险,以免该药剂对蚕业生产造成严重不利影响。Abstract: As an insect growth regulator, methoxyfenozide is widely used in agricultural production, and its side effects on the ecological environment have been gradually documented. However, its potential adverse effects on sericulture remain poorly understood. To determine the effects of methoxyfenozide on the silkworm industry in mulberry gardens and surrounding farmland, we evaluated the acute and chronic toxicity effects of methoxyfenozide on silkworm by using the quantitative spray method, and the primary risk was assessed according to the risk quotient method. The acute toxicity study showed that the 168 h-LC50 value of methoxyfenozide to the second instar larvae was 0.134 mg·kg-1 (based on mulberry leaves mass), which belonged to the super toxic grade. The chronic toxicity study showed that when the concentration of the compound was ≥ 1.04×10-2 mg·kg-1, the growth and development indexes of the bimolter and trimolter silkworms were significantly reduced compared with the control group (P<0.05). When the compound concentration was ≥ 2.74×10-2 mg·kg-1, the important economic indexes, such as total cocoon quantity, cocoon layer quantity, cocoon layer rate, and cocoon setting rate, were significantly decreased compared with the control group (P<0.05), indicating that methoxyfenozide had a strong chronic toxic effect on silkworm. The risk quotient (RQ) was calculated based on the recommended dose of methoxyfenozide in the field, and the results of the primary risk assessment showed that the risk of methoxyfenozide to silkworms was unacceptable (RQ>1). Therefore, given the extremely high acute and chronic toxic effects of methoxyfenozide on silkworm and its unacceptable ecological risk, the application of methoxyfenozide in the mulberry garden and its surrounding farmland should be prohibited in the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs. Alternatively, effective measures should be taken to reduce the risk for avoiding serious adverse impacts on sericulture production.
Key words:
- methoxyfenozide /
- Bombyx mori /
- acute toxicity /
- chronic toxicity /
- risk assessment
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