Abundance and Distribution of Microplastics of Soils in Daliao River Basin
摘要: 微塑料在海洋生态系统中的分布特征已有不少研究,但人类活动强度较大的流域土壤中微塑料的污染研究仍存在较大空白。以大辽河流域为研究对象,采集附近8个土壤样品,采用密度浮选法,结合体视显微镜及显微红外光谱(μ-FTIR),进行了大辽河流域土壤中微塑料的组成及分布特征研究。结果表明,土壤中微塑料颜色以白、蓝和绿色为主(88.03%),形状以碎片、薄膜和泡沫为主(总占比为96.32%),土壤中粒径为500~1 000 μm的微塑料最多(41.10%),其次依次为1 000~2 000 μm(26.38%)、100~500 μm(19.33%)和2 000~5 000 μm(11.66%)。粒径为0~100 μm的微塑料和>5 000 μm的塑料碎片所占比例最小(均小于1.00%)。薄膜类和碎片类微塑料的主要成分分别是聚乙烯(PE)和聚丙烯(PP),颗粒类和泡沫类的主要成分是聚苯乙烯(PS),纤维类微塑料的主要成分是聚酰胺(PA)。土壤中微塑料平均丰度为(273.33 327.65) 个 kg-1。总体上,该研究区域土壤中微塑料的污染程度处于中等偏低水平。Abstract: Microplastics have been widely distributed in marine ecosystems, which is an increasing concern for researchers. But there is still a large gap in the studies on the pollution of microplastics in watershed soils with high human activity. Eight soil samples were selected in Daliao River basin. The composition and distribution characteristics of microplastics in the soil of the Daliao River basin were studied by density flotation combined with stereo microscope and μ-FTIR. The results showed that the color of microplastics in the soil was mainly white, blue and green (the total proportion was 88.03%); the shape was fragment, film and foam (the total proportion was 96.32%). The main particle sizes of microplastics in soil were 500~1 000 μm, which accounted for 41.10%, followed by 1 000~2 000 μm (26.38%), 100~500 μm (19.33%) and 2 000~5 000 μm (11.66%). Microplastics with particle size of 0~100 μm and debris plastics with particle size of >5 000 μm accounted for the smallest proportion (both less than 1.00%). The main components of film and fragment microplastics were polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP), respectively. The main components of particle and foam microplastics were polystyrene (PS), and the main component of the fiber microplastic was polyamide (PA). The average abundance of microplastics in soil was (273.33±327.65) items kg-1. Overall, the pollution level of microplastics in the soils of the study area was at a moderately low level.
Key words:
- microplastic /
- Daliao River basin /
- soil /
- abundance /
- distribution
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