Assessing Ecological Risks of Micro(nano)plastics to Aquatic Organisms Using Species Sensitivity Distributions
摘要: 水环境中的微(纳米)塑料对水生生物具有潜在的危害。为了评估微(纳米)塑料对水生生物的毒性效应及生态风险,本研究在广泛查阅并分析微(纳米)塑料相关毒理学研究数据的基础上,利用物种敏感性分布(Species Sensitivity Distributions, SSD)方法对其中5门10科11种水生生物的急性毒理数据进行曲线拟合;计算对应的5%危害浓度(the hazardous concentration for 5% of the species, HC5)和潜在影响比例(potential affected fractions, PAF);计算了相应的急性生态效应阀值(predicted no effect concentration, PNECacute),并比较了各类水生生物对微(纳米)塑料的敏感性及其所受生态风险。结果表明,目前已有数据中微(纳米)塑料对费氏弧菌(Vibrio fischeri)的生态风险最大,对朱氏四爿藻(Tetraselmis chuii)的生态风险最小;基于Reweibull模型对水生生物数据所推导的PNECacute为0.185 μg·L-1,约为当前微(纳米)塑料在水体环境中浓度的30%。利用SSD来预测微(纳米)塑料不同暴露浓度下对水生生物的PAF,发现当微(纳米)塑料暴露浓度小于10 μg·L-1时,水生生物所受的影响在可接受范围内;当暴露浓度达到1 000 μg·L-1时,将有26%的物种受到微(纳米)塑料的危害。此外,利用Rurrlioz软件估算了世界典型淡水与海水水域表层水体中微塑料对水生生物的PAF值,发现其PAF预测值都为0;将各水域微塑料浓度与急性生态效应阀值PNECacute比较后发现,除太湖外,其他水体环境中微塑料浓度都低于PNECacute,说明如果只考虑微塑料本身的影响,目前世界典型水域表层水中微塑料对水生生物的危害程度大部分都在可接受的范围之内。Abstract: Micro- and nanoplastics in water environment pose a potential threat to aquatic organisms. Species Sensitivity Distributions (SSD) method was used to assess the ecological risks of micro- and nanoplastics on aquatic organisms in the present study. The acute toxicological data of 11 aquatic species from 10 families in 5 phyla were collected and fitted by SSD. The hazardous concentrations for 5% of the species (HC5), the values of the potentially affected fraction (PAF) and acute predicted no-effect concentration (PNECacute) of micro- and nanoplastics were evaluated to compare the sensitivity and ecological risk for different aquatic species exposed to micro- and nanoplastics. The results showed that micro- and nanoplastics had the greatest ecological risk to Vibrio fischeri and the least to Tetramis chuii. The value of PNECacute derived with Reweibull model was 0.185 μg·L-1, which is almost 30% of the concentration of micro-(nano)plastics that were found in the water environment. The effects of micro- and nanoplastics on aquatic organisms are acceptable if the exposure concentration is lower than 10 μg·L-1. If the exposure concentration reaches 1 000 μg·L-1, 26% of the species are obviously affected. In addition, the PAF values of different concentration of micro-(nano)plastics in several representative waters all around the world were estimated and the value was equal to 0. However, the concentrations of micro-(nano)plastics in most representative waters selected in this study were lower than the PNECacute except that in Taihu Lake. The results indicates that the effects caused by micro-(nano)plastics in most of the investigated waters are acceptable when only the effects of micro-(nano)plastics itself were considered.
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