Predicted No Effect Concentration and Ecological Risk Assessment of SCCPs in Freshwater Environments
摘要: 短链氯化石蜡(short-chain chlorinated paraffins, SCCPs)是《斯德哥尔摩公约》增列的一类持久性有机污染物。搜集筛选出SCCPs对8种淡水生物的慢性毒性数据,构建了物种敏感度分布曲线(SSD),推导出SCCPs的淡水预测无效应浓度(PNECwater)为0.425 μg·L-1,淡水沉积物预测无效应浓度(PNECsed)为992.5 μg kg-1。搜集了国内外部分淡水河流水体及沉积物中SCCPs环境暴露数据,运用商值法,评估SCCPs的生态风险。结果表明,长江中游和白洋淀水体风险商范围为2.6~154.4和3.7~132.5,处于高风险;国外河流SCCPs污染水平较低,北美地区与日本淡水河流SCCPs风险商小于1,处于低风险。长江中游沉积物的SCCPs的风险商高达400.6,呈现显著风险,欧洲工业区域淡水沉积物中SCCPs存在潜在风险。本研究为SCCPs水质标准制定与环境风险管理提供参考依据。Abstract: Short-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) are a class of persistent organic pollutants newly listed in the Stockholm Convention. In this study, the chronic toxicity data of SCCPs to eight aquatic organisms were collected and screened, and the species sensitivity distribution (SSD) curves were constructed. The predicted no effect concentration (PNEC) of SCCPs for freshwater was derived as 0.425 µg·L-1 (PNECwater) and for freshwater sediment was 992.5 µg kg-1 (PNECsed), respectively. The environmental exposure concentrations of SCCPs in freshwater rivers and sediments in China and several other countries were collected, and the ecological risk of SCCPs was evaluated by quotient method. The results showed that the hazard quotients (HQs) of water bodies in the midstream of the Yangtze River and Baiyangdian Lake were 2.6~154.4 and 3.7~132.5, respectively, which were at high risk levels. The HQs of SCCPs in foreign rivers showed that they were at low risk levels. For example, the HQs for rivers in North America and Japan were lower than 1. The HQs of sediments in the midstream of the Yangtze River were up to 400.6, showing significantly high risk in these sediments. However, freshwater sediments in European industrial regions were at low risks. This study could provide information for water quality standard establishment and environmental risk management of SCCPs.
Key words:
- SCCPs /
- SSD /
- ecological risk assessment /
- predicted no effect concentration /
- hazard quotient
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