Pollution Characteristics and Ecological Risks of 7 Phenolic Compounds of High Concern in the Surface Water and Sediments of Tianjin, China
摘要: 为探究地表水体与沉积物中酚类化合物的污染分布特征和生态风险,选择天津市3个水源地与6条主要河流,采集了26个地表水样与6个沉积物样品,利用固相萃取与超声萃取、高效液相色谱-串联质谱法(HPLC-MS/MS)测定了水样及沉积物中1-萘酚(1-naphthol)、壬基酚(nonylphenol, NP)、双酚A(bisphenol A, BPA)、2-苯基苯酚(biphenyl-2-ol)、3,4-二氯酚(3,4-dichlorophenol)、四溴双酚A(tetrabromobisphenol A, TBBPA)和对叔丁基苯酚(p-tert-butylphenol, PTBP)等7种高关注酚类化合物的浓度水平,并应用物种敏感性分布(species sensitivity distribution, SSD)法和熵值法(ecological risk quotient, RQ)评估7种酚类化合物水环境和沉积物的生态风险。结果表明,地表水样中7种酚类化合物均全部检出;其中壬基酚的检出浓度最高,其次为四溴双酚A、对叔丁基苯酚、1-萘酚、2-苯基苯酚、3,4-二氯酚和双酚A。沉积物中酚类化合物的污染分布规律与水样相似,除双酚A外的目标物全部检出。其中,壬基酚浓度比其他物质浓度高2个数量级。风险评估结果显示,壬基酚对水环境与沉积物存在不可接受的风险;而四溴双酚A、对叔丁基苯酚、1-萘酚、2-苯基苯酚、3,4-二氯酚和双酚A则对环境具有较低风险或者存在一定的风险。Abstract: In order to detect the distribution and ecological risk of phenolic compounds in the surface water and sediments, 26 surface water samples and 6 sediment samples were collected from 3 water sources and 6 main rivers in Tianjin City. These water and sediment samples with the high concentration levels of 7 phenolic compounds, such as 1-naphthol, nonylphenol, bisphenol A, biphenyl-2-ol, 3,4-dichlorophenol, tetrabromobisphenol A, and p-tert-butylphenol, were determined by solid phase extraction, ultrasonic extraction and high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). Meanwhile, the ecological risks of 7 phenolic compounds in the water environment and sediments were estimated by the species sensitivity distribution (SSD) and ecological risk quotient (RQ). The results showed that 7 phenolic compounds were all detected in the surface water samples and the concentration of nonylphenol was the highest in these samples, as followed by tetrabromobisphenol A, p-tert-butylphenol, 1-naphthol, 2-phenylphenol, 3,4-dichlorophenol, and bisphenol A. In the meantime, the distribution of these phenolic compounds in the sediments was similar as water samples and all these compounds, except bisphenol A, were detected. Among them, the concentration of nonylphenol was two orders of magnitude higher than that of other substances. Risk assessment results displayed that the nonylphenol exhibited an unacceptable risk to water environment and sediments, while tetrabromobisphenol A, p-tert-butylphenol, 1-naphthol, 2-phenylphenol, 3,4-dichlorophenol and bisphenol A showed a low or certain risk to the environment.
Key words:
- phenolic compounds /
- Tianjin City /
- ecological risk /
- species sensitivity distribution /
- surface water /
- sediment
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