全氟烷基酸(perfluoroalkyl acids,PFAAs)是由完全氟化的烷基链和酸性官能团组成的化合物,因其兼具疏水性和疏油性等化学特性,常作为工业助剂和表面活性剂而应用于工业和消费品生产领域,如金属电镀、半导体、家具和烹饪器具等[1]。在2009年,PFAAs被列入斯德哥尔摩公约的新型持久性有机污染物。PFAAs易在生物体内聚集,能够长距离迁移、沉积和附着,一旦进入人体后很难通过代谢降解方式排出体外,可对肝脏、内分泌、神经系统和免疫性能等方面产生毒性危害[2]。PFAAs家族成员PFOA和 PFOS因其稳定性,应用最为广泛,且作为全氟化合物前体的最终降解物质,在自然环境中检测频率最高[3]。随着氟化工产业的快速发展,中国逐渐成为氟化产品生产和使用大国。秦交友等[4]的研究表明,我国东南地区主要河流表层水体中PFAAs质量浓度为0.90~231.52 ng·L−1,部分河段PFOA和PFOS的生态风险熵大于1,主要排放源为工业污水排放。LI等[5]研究表明,小清河流域道PFAAs总质量浓度高达325.280 µg·L−1。
Removal effect of nutrient salts and perfluoroalkyl acids in waterbody with combined pollutants by 4 aquatic plants
摘要: 近年来,水体中全氟烷基酸的暴露、来源和去除受到国内外关注,关于植物对全氟烷基酸单一污染水体净化的研究较多,但对于水体营养盐和全氟烷基酸等复合污染治理的研究较为缺乏。为此,选取鸢尾(Iris tectorum)、芦苇(Phragmites australis)、金鱼藻(Phragmites australis)和眼子菜(Potamogetonpusillus)为研究对象,通过室内水培实验研究了4种水生植物对复合污染水体中营养盐和全氟烷基酸(PFAAs)的去除效果。结果表明,4种水生植物对复合污染水体中营养盐和全氟烷基酸(PFAAs)均具有较好的去除能力,且不同植物对各污染物的去除效果有所差异。各植物对TN、TP、全氟辛酸(PFOA)和全氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS)的去除率分别为(56.36±4.83)%~(79.90±4.79)%、(47.36±2.18)%~(64.52±4.78)%、(38.25±3.25)%~(67.33±5.58)%和(46.23±3.93)%~(83.14±5.49)%。鸢尾对营养盐的去除效果最好,对TN和TP的去除率分别为(79.90±4.79)%和(64.52±4.78)%,但对PFOA和PFOS的去除率仅为(38.25±3.25)%和(46.23±3.93)%;金鱼藻对全氟烷基酸的去除效果显著,其植株体内PFOA和PFOS的富集含量分别可达(31.56±1.01) µg·g−1和(37.15±1.54) µg·g−1。所有植物对PFOS的富集效果优于PFOA,且在挺水植物中,PFOS比PFOA更倾向于在植物根部积累。Abstract: In recent years, the exposure, source identification and removal of perfluoroalkyl acids have received extensive attentions. The existing studies mainly focused on the purification effect of perfluoroalkyl acid polluted waterbody by plants, however, few studies paid attention to the nutrient salts and perfluoroalkyl acids polluted waterbody. In this study, Tectorum, Phragmites australis, Phragmites australis and Potamogetonpusillus was selected as research objects. Laboratory hydroponic experiments were conducted to study the removal effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and perfluoroalkyl acids(PFAAs) by four plants. The results showed that all four plants had good purification effect on nutrients and perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in waterbody with combined pollutants, and different plants presented different removal effects. The removal rates of TN, TP, PFOA and PFOS were (56.36±4.83)%~(79.90±4.79)%, (47.36±2.18)%~(64.52±4.78)%, (38.25±3.25)%~(67.33±5.58)% and (46.23±3.93)%~(83.14±5.49)%, respectively. Iris tectorum showed the best removal effect of TN and TP, and the corresponding removal rates were (79.90±4.79)% and (64.52±4.78)%, respectively, but the removal rates of Iris tectorum on PFOA and PFOS were only (38.25±3.25)% and (46.23±3.93)%, respectively. Phragmites australis showed the best removal effect of perfluoroalkyl acids, the PFOA and PFOS enrichment in the plants were up to (31.56±1.01) µg·g−1 and (37.15±1.54) µg·g−1, respectively. The enrichment effect of PFOS in all plants was better than that of PFOA, and in emergent plants, PFOS was more inclined to accumulate in plant roots than PFOA.
Key words:
- phytoremediation /
- polluted waterbody /
- nutrients salts /
- perfluoroalkyl acids
表 1 实验水生植物种类
Table 1. Species of aquatic plants selected in the experiment
植物名称 科 生活类型 鸢尾 鸢尾科 挺水草本 芦苇 禾本科 挺水草本 篦齿眼子菜 眼子菜科 沉水草本 金鱼藻 金鱼藻科 沉水草本 表 2 不同水生植物对营养盐物质的去除率
Table 2. Removal rate of nutrients bydifferent aquatic plants
% 污染物 CK 鸢尾 芦苇 金鱼藻 眼子菜 TN 29.85±1.79 79.90±4.79 73.95±2.21 63.75±6.05 56.36±4.83 TP 24.44±1.46 64.52±4.78 52.52±3.25 58.99±2.44 47.36±2.18 表 3 不同水生植物对全氟烷基酸的去除率
Table 3. Removal rate of perfluoroalkyl acids by different aquatic plants
% 污染物 CK 鸢尾 芦苇 金鱼藻 眼子菜 PFOA 15.54±0.59 38.25±3.25 49.71±3.18 67.33±5.58 63.44±4.79 PFOS 20.56±1.22 46.23±3.93 60.47±4.29 83.14±5.49 75.43±5.34 表 4 不同植物对PFOA、PFOS的富集系数和转移系数
Table 4. Enrichment and transfer coefficients of PFOA and PFOS in different plants
植物 部位 富集系数 转移系数 BFPFOA BFPFOS TFPFOA TFPFOS 鸢尾 水下部分 0.34 0.50 0.44 0.34 水上部分 0.15 0.17 芦苇 水下部分 0.74 1.29 0.27 0.20 水上部分 0.20 0.26 金鱼藻 水下部分 1.98 4.66 眼子菜 水下部分 1.15 1.96 -
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