CANON工艺是以厌氧氨氧化技术(anaerobic ammonium oxidation,ANAMMOX)为基础,以亚硝酸盐氮(
${\rm{NO}}_2^ - $ -N)为电子受体,将${\rm{NH}}_4^ + $ -N转化为N2的一种新型脱氮工艺[1],具有不需要有机物,节省曝气量和污泥产量少的优势[2]。该工艺的核心是控制反应条件以实现短程硝化。氨氧化细菌(ammonia oxidizing bacteria,AOB)亚硝酸化反应过程如图1所示。NH2OH是其中重要的中间产物[3],具有调节硝化细菌中酶合成过程以及酶活性的作用[4]。首先,进水中${\rm{NH}}_4^ + $ -N在氨单加氧酶(ammonia mono-oxygenase,AMO)的作用下被氧化成NH2OH;随后,在羟胺氧化还原酶(hydroxylamine oxidoreductase,HAO)的催化作用下,NH2OH被氧化成${\rm{NO}}_2^ - $ -N,而从NH2OH到${\rm{NO}}_2^ - $ -N转化过程中释放4个电子,其中2个电子用以末端氧化酶呼吸,另外2个电子转移到AMO上进一步氧化${\rm{NH}}_4^ + $ -N[5]。目前,一些研究者主要针对添加NH2OH促进短程硝化的可行性进行研究。陈佼等[4]通过连续13 d向人工快渗系统中添加16.5 mg·L−1 NH2OH后,实现了短程硝化的快速启动,${\rm{NH}}_4^ + $ -N去除率和${\rm{NO}}_2^ - $ -N积累率分别为91.1%和77.9%。XU等[6]通过向好氧颗粒污泥中添加10 mg·L−1 NH2OH成功实现了稳定的短程硝化,且通过荧光原位杂交技术(fluorescence in situ hybridization, FISH)证明了反应器中大部分NOB被淘洗掉,AOB成为主要的优势菌群。应用CANON工艺,有多种形式的反应器,MBBR是常见3种形式之一[7],其内部生物填料长期保持流化状态。因此,能够在与污水介质充分接触的同时大量富集微生物[8],同时,具有耐冲击负荷、污泥产量较低、污泥沉降性能好[9]以及不需要频繁反冲洗等特点[10]。目前,关于NH2OH对于CANON工艺的影响研究较少,为探究NH2OH对CANON工艺中短程硝化及脱氮性能的影响,本研究利用运行稳定的MBBR进行批次实验,在反应初期添加不同质量浓度的NH2OH,探索了NH2OH对MBBR中CANON工艺的影响机理,以期为实现CANON技术的工程化应用提供参考。
Effect of NH2OH on the short-cut nitrification and nitrogen removal performance of CANON process
摘要: 作为全程自养脱氮(completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite, CANON)工艺中间产物,羟氨(hydroxylamine, NH2OH)可能对CANON工艺产生重要影响。为研究NH2OH对于CANON工艺中短程硝化及脱氮性能的影响,利用稳定运行的移动床式生物膜反应器(moving-bed biofilm reactor, MBBR)进行批次实验,控制进水
${{\rm{NH}}_4^ +} $ -N质量浓度为230 mg·L−1,添加NH2OH质量浓度分别为0、5、20、80 mg·L−1,研究了添加不同质量浓度的NH2OH对CANON工艺的影响。结果表明,NH2OH质量浓度越高,越有利于CANON工艺中亚硝酸盐氧化菌(nitrite oxidizing bacteria, NOB)的抑制。当NH2OH质量浓度≤20 mg·L−1时,提高NH2OH质量浓度,有利于提高${{\rm{NH}}_4^ +} $ -N的降解速率;当NH2OH质量浓度为20 mg·L−1,${{\rm{NH}}_4^ +} $ -N降解速率可以提高29.4%。从总体脱氮效果来看,NH2OH的添加会提高CANON的脱氮性能,建议将NH2OH投加质量浓度控制在5 mg·L−1为宜。Abstract: As an intermediate product in completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite (CANON) process, hydroxylamine (NH2OH) may have a great effect on CANON process. A batch experiment was carried out by using a moving-bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) with stable operation to study the effect of NH2OH concentration on the short-cut nitrification and nitrogen removal performance of CANON process. The influent${\rm{NH}}_4^ + $ -N concentration was controlled at 230 mg·L−1, and the concentrations of NH2OH addition were 0, 5, 20, and 80 mg·L−1, respectively. The results showed that the higher the concentration of NH2OH, the more beneficial to the inhibition of nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) in CANON process. When the NH2OH concentration was less than or equal to 20 mg·L−1, the increase of the concentration of NH2OH was beneficial to the increase of${\rm{NH}}_4^ + $ -N degradation rate. When the NH2OH concentration was 20 mg·L−1, the degradation rate of${\rm{NH}}_4^ + $ -N increased by 29.4 %. In the view of the total nitrogen removal effect, the addition of NH2OH could increase the nitrogen removal performance of CANON process, and the concentration of NH2OH addition could be controlled at 5 mg·L−1.-
Key words:
- NH2OH /
- CANON process /
- short-cut nitrification /
- nitrogen removal performance /
- AOB /
表 1 不同NH2OH质量浓度下反应器的运行工况
Table 1. Operating conditions of the reactor at different NH2OHconcentrations
分组 初始 -N质量浓度/${\rm{NH}}_4^ + $
minA组 230 0 480 B组 230 5 420 C组 230 20 360 D组 230 80 420 E组 0 80 300 表 2 不同NH2OH质量浓度下反应器的脱氮性能
Table 2. Nitrogen removal performance of the reactor at different NH2OH concentrations
分组 -N降解速率/${\rm{NH}}_4^ + $
(mg·(L·h)−1) -N降解速率${\rm{NH}}_4^ + $
提高百分比/%∆ -N/${\rm{NO}}_3^ - $
∆TNA组 32.7 0 0.108 B组 39.2 16.6 0.095 C组 42.3 29.4 0.081 D组 37.8 15.6 0.060 -
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