Treatment of naproxen high-salt wastewater based on microbial electrochemical technology
摘要: 制药废水是环境中萘普生的主要来源之一,因废水中含盐量较高,传统生物法对其中萘普生的去除效果有限,因此研究如何快速去除制药废水中的萘普生污染以及如何获得高盐废水中快速降解萘普生的功能菌群对生态环境具有重要意义.本研究基于长期驯化的混菌,研究微生物电化学技术在0.3%—3.0%不同盐度下对萘普生的去除效果.驯化后的混菌在108 h对8 mg·L-1萘普生的去除率达到75%以上,并且在3.0%的高盐度下经过108 h去除率可达98%.通过高通量测序技术分析发现,发现相比于原始接种源,在门水平上,驯化后的微生物群落中厚壁菌门(Firmuicutes)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidales)相对丰度显著增加;而在属水平,在0.3%—1.0%盐度下,真细菌属(Eubacterium spp.)的丰度显著增加至27.9%—50.5%,Bacteroides和Dysgonomonas等也分别从0.05%、0.03%增加至2.7%—6.8%和10.0%—19.9%;值得注意的是,Castellaniella和Pseudomonas在3.0%的高盐度下显著富集至6.9%和37.3%.本研究表明,Eubacterium、Dysgonomonas、Bacteroides等菌属能够耐受较低的盐度(0.3%—1.0%),且可能在降解转化萘普生体系中发挥作用;Castellaniella和Pseudomonas会在3.0%的高盐环境下富集,可能是两类较好耐盐性且具有较强萘普生降解能力的功能微生物.Abstract: As one of the main sources of environmental naproxen, pharmaceutical wastewater could hardly be purified by traditional biological method because of its high salinity. Therefore, to research on how to quickly remove naproxen pollution in pharmaceutical wastewater and obtain functional bacteria that rapidly degrade naproxen in high-salt wastewater is of great significance to ecological environment.. Based on the long-term acclimation of mixed bacteria, we studied the removal efficiences of Naproxen by microbial electrochemical technology at 0.3%—3.0% salinity. The removal efficiency of 8 mg·L-1 naproxen under salinity of 0.3% was nearly 75%, and its removal efficiency increased to 98% at salinity of 3.0%. The results of high-throughput sequencing revealed that compared to raw inoculating sources, at the phylum level, the relative abundances of Firmuicutes and Bacteroidales increased significantly under the different salinities. In addition, at the genus level, the abundance of Eubacterium was increased to 27.9% and 50.5% at the salinity of 0.3% and 1.0%, respectively. Meanwhile, the abundances of Bacteroides and Dysgonomonas also underwent an increase from 0.05% and 0.03% to 2.7%—6.8%, and 10.0%—19.9%, respectively. Noticeably, the abundance of the genus of Castellaniella and Pseudomonas were obviously enriched to 6.9% and 37.3% at high salinity of 3.0%. This study showed that Eubacterium, Dysgonomonas, Bacteroides possessing the ability of tolerating a low salinity from 0.3% to 1.0% might contribute to degradation and biotransformation of naproxen, and Pseudomonas and Castellaniella enriching under pressure of high-salt of 3.0% may be two types of functional microorganisms with favorable ability of degrading naproxen and tolerating pressure from high salt.
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