Degradation of chiral drugs by hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) combined with advanced oxidation technology
摘要: 普通药物中大部分是具有一对对映异构体手性结构的手性药物(CDs),且CDs作为一种新型微污染物在水体中被频繁发现.该药物因其种类和组成的不同,内部的对映异构体可能会表现出特异性,如体现在毒性、与蛋白质结合吸收以及在河流中自然衰减率等方面.而高级氧化法(AOPs),如空化(水力空化和声空化)、Fenton法和光催化法等技术手段,在去除CDs方面已表现出较大潜力.本研究基于对映体结构,全面梳理了CDs的性质、来源及对人类健康的影响,拟探究水环境中典型CDs的手性反转和药理学立体选择性特征,并归纳了水力空化方法联合AOP技术对萘普生、布洛芬等典型CDs去除效果特点,重点讨论了该方法作用机理与其利弊,探究最优适用条件,最终归纳出目前CDs分离分析技术的瓶颈及未来环境中CDs去除技术的研究趋势.Abstract: Chiral drugs (CDs)as a type of emerging micropollutantswere frequently found in rivers and drinking water. According to statistics, most of the common drugs have a chiral structure with a pair of enantiomers inside. For CDs, internal enantiomers usually exhibit different properties due to their different species and compositions, which are reflected in toxicity, combined absorption with proteins, and natural decay rate in rivers. In addition, advanced oxidation methods including cavitation(hydrodynamic cavitation and acoustic cavitation), Fenton and photocatalysis have shown great promising in the removal of CDs. Based on enantiomers,the nature, source and impact of chiral drugs on human health were comprehensively analyzed. It was proposed to investigate the chiral reversal and pharmacological stereoselectivity of typical chiral drugs in water. And then the removal rate of chiral drugs such as carbamazepine and ibuprofen by hydrodynamic cavitation combined with other advanced oxidation methods were summarized.Three advanced oxidation methods, which were applied in combination with hydrodynamic cavitation, were also discussed. Its mechanism, advantages and disadvantages were analyzed in order to get the optimal conditions. Consequently, the bottleneck of the separation and analysis methods of chiral drugs and the prospects for the removal of chiral drugs in environments were proposed.
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