Study on Tissue Residue Guidelines of DDTs for Protection of Aquatic Mammalian Species in China
摘要: 作为一种曾经广泛使用的氯化烃杀虫剂,DDT及其主要代谢产物DDE和DDD (合称为DDTs)是一类典型的具有持久性和生物累积性的有毒污染物。亲脂性和持久性使得DDTs可以通过食物链进行生物放大,从而对处于高营养级的水生哺乳动物造成严重的毒害作用。在综述DDTs对哺乳动物的毒性研究基础上,采用物种敏感度分布(species sensitivity distribution,SSD)和毒性百分数排序法(toxicity percentile rank method,TPRM)推导DDTs保护水生哺乳动物的组织残留基准(Tissue Residue Guideline,TRG)。使用SSD和TPRM得到的TRG分别为23.9和22.7 ng·g-1食物(湿重)。相应的,DDTs保护水生哺乳动物的水质基准分别为188.2和178.7 pg·L-1。依据研究得到的DDTs的组织残留基准及其在鱼类体内的含量评估对水生哺乳动物的风险。研究结果可用于评估DDTs对水生哺乳动物的生态风险,并为DDTs的风险管理提供理论依据。Abstract: As a chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide that has been used worldwide, DDT and its primary metabolites named DDE and DDD (collected as DDTs) is one typical bioaccumulative and persistent toxic substances. Because of the lipophilic nature and persistence, DDTs could biomagnify in wildlife that feed at higher trophic levels through food chain and could accordingly cause adverse effects to aquatic mammalian. Studies about effects of DDTs on mammals were reviewed. The Tissue Residue Guidelines (TRGs) for protection of aquatic mammals in China were derived by use of species sensitivity distribution (SSD) and toxicity percentile rank method (TPRM). The TRGs of DDTs for aquatic mammals by SSD and TPRM were derived to be 23.9 and 22.7 ng·g-1 food (wet weight), respectively. The WQCs of DDTs for protecting aquatic mammals were 188.2 and 178.7 pg·L-1, respectively. The risk of DDTs to aquatic mammals was assessed based on TRGs derived in this study and the concentrations of DDTs in fish in China. The results could be used in risk assessments of DDTs to mammals in China and provide scientific foundation for risk management of DDTs.

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