Biosorption characteristics of non-living Oscillatoria lutea immobilized in loofa sponge for removal of Pb2+
摘要: 为研究丝瓜络固定化非活性颤藻对Pb2+的吸附特性,选择游离颤藻为对照,考察环境因素对吸附过程的影响以及吸附动力学、等温线和吸附机理.结果表明,固定化和游离颤藻分别在90 min和60 min 达到吸附平衡,与对照相比,吸附量增加了约20.6%;随着Pb2+浓度的增加,固定化和游离颤藻的吸附量逐渐增加,并在70 mg·L-1和60 mg·L-1时,分别达到吸附饱和;吸附量依赖于pH的变化,当pH5时吸附量达到最大;吸附过程符合准二级动力学模型;Langmuir 等温方程很好地描述了固定化和游离颤藻对Pb2+的吸附过程,属于单分子层吸附,饱和吸附量分别为87.82±1.51 mg·g-1和70.87±1.86 mg·g-1;傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)和X射线能量色散光谱(EDS)分析表明,氨基、羧基、羰基和羟基与Pb2+的络合作用是固定化和游离颤藻的主要吸附机理.Abstract: To investigate the biosorption characteristics of loofa sponge-immobilized biomass of non-living Oscillatoria lutea for removal of Pb2+, the effects of environmental factors on biosorption, kinetics, isotherms and biosorption mechanisms were studied and the free biomass of O. lutea were used as the control group. The results presented that the Pb2+ biosorption equilibrium of immobilized and free O. lutea were established in 90 min and 60 min, respectively, and compared with the latter, the biosorption capacity of the former increased by some 20.6%. The Pb2+ biosorption amount increased as the initial concentration of Pb2+ increased. And saturation Pb2+ concentration of immobilized and free O. lutea were 70 mg·L-1 and 60 mg·L-1 respectively. The biosorption amount was pH-dependent, being maximum when pH was 5. The pseudo second order model was found to correlate well with the biosorption process. The biosorption of Pb2+ was well described by Langmuir adsorption isotherms, belonging to monolayer sorption. Meanwhile, maximum biosorption capacity of immobilized and free O. lutea were 87.82±1.51 mg·g-1and 70.87±1.86 mg·g-1 respectively. The analysis results of FTIR and EDS revealed that the biosorption mechanism immobilized and free O. lutea mainly were the complexation between amino, carboxyl, carbonyl and hydroxyl groups and Pb2+.
Key words:
- loofa sponge /
- immobilization /
- Oscillatoria lutea /
- biosorption /
- mechanism
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