世界范围内能源需求的增加以及优质化石能源的日渐枯竭迫使人们将目光投向储量丰富的高含硫酸性原料的开发利用。中东地区拥有世界已探明石油储量的64%,而这些原油大多为含硫量高的“酸性油”(硫含量超过2 % 质量分数)[1]。目前已探明的天然气世界储量中H2S含量1%—15%,CO2含量0—15%的酸性天然气占30%以上,H2S及CO2含量高于15%的酸性气体占4%以上[2]。我国含硫气田(含硫2%—4%)气产量更是占全国气产量的60%以上,普光、元坝气田为典型的高含硫气田,H2S含量最高可达17%[3]。这些酸性原料在加工利用过程中会产生大量酸性气体(H2S和CO2),对环境及人体健康危害极大。目前工业上主要采用溶剂法分离出H2S和CO2,再利用克劳斯硫回收法处理H2S,将H2S转化为低值的硫磺和水,典型处理流程图如图1所示。酸性气体中伴生杂质(CO2、烃类)的存在常导致克劳斯硫回收过程的技术问题[4]。此外,上述酸性气体的治理过程忽略了CO2的治理,导致CO2的大量排放。当前,全球气候变化的威胁不断升级,极端气候灾害更趋严峻。为应对气候危机,我国力争于2030年前实现CO2排放达到峰值,2060年前实现碳中和,将用全球历史上最短的时间实现碳达峰到碳中和,任务艰巨而紧迫。碳中和目标下,如何同时实现硫化氢污染控制与二氧化碳减排是化工行业酸性气体治理过程中面临的一项非常紧迫和充满挑战的任务。
Advances in multicomponent conversion and resources recovery from acid gas in chemical industry
Abstract:Under the background of carbon neutrality, the treatment of acid gas in petrochemical, natural gas processing and coal chemical industries is faced with the dual challenges of hydrogen sulfide pollution control and carbon dioxide emission reduction. It is extremely urgent to seek an economical-effective and sustainable acid gas treatment as well as multi-resource recovery technology. Combined with the present research frontier and the demands for efficient treatment of acid gas and resource utilization, this paper reviews the advances in direct conversion of acid gas (mixed gas of H2S, CO2 and CH4) into high value products—hydrogen and high value-added sulfur derivatives. The outlook of acid gas multi-component conversion and comprehensive utilization, and further processing to produce organic sulfur chemical products with high value is prospected.
Key words:
- acid gas /
- reformation /
- hydrogen production /
- carbon dioxide emission reduction /
- methanethiol
表 1 合成气法制CH3SH的催化剂性能比较
Table 1. Comparison of the catalyst performance for the CH3SH synthesis from syngas
Molar ratio温度/℃
CO conversionCH3SH选择性/%
CH3SH selectivity参考文献
ReferenceK2MoO4/SiO2 2/7/1 295 0.2 46 99.1 [54] K2MoS4/La2O3/SiO2 5/14/1 290 0.2 12.2 98.6 [50] α-Al2O3 4/5/1 340 2.0 6.1 98.2 [55] K2WO4/Al 1/2/1 320 1.0 24 45 [52] 10%V2O5/Al2O3 1/0/1 342 0.1 61 28 [56] K2-Mo/SBA-15 1/2/1 300 0.2 62.18 46.79 [57] K2MoTe0.5O/SiO2 1/1/2 300 0.2 62.1 49.1 [58] Re2O7/Al2O3 1/4/4 295 3.0 92 47.2 [59] 表 2 COS/CS2为原料合成甲硫醇的催化剂性能
Table 2. Catalyst performance for the CH3SH synthesis derived from COS or CS2
Reaction Conditions转化率/%
CH3SH Yield参考文献
ReferenceK2MoS4/SiO2 H2/COS=3, H2/H2S=5.3
T=325 ℃, P=3 MPa56.8 2.13 [63] MoK2/Al2O3 H2/COS=2.3, H2/H2S=7
T=350 ℃, P=30 MPa90 17 [64] K/Co-Mo/SiO2 COS/H2S/H2=1/0.52/2.4,
T=355 ℃, P=3 MPa,
T=275 ℃, P=3 MPaCOS(98)
98[45] NiMoS2/SiO2 CS2/H2S/H2=2/1/7,
T=290 ℃, P=2 MPa100 80 [65] -
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