Sorption behavior, mechanisms, and models of organic pollutants and metals on microplastics: A review
Abstract:Microplastics (MPs) are widely distributed in different environmental media and have raised extensive attention as good vectors for pollutants. MPs can either act as secondary sources of adsorbed pollutants to ambient environment or pose joint biological toxicity with carried contaminants. Investigations on sorption behavior and mechanisms of contaminants to MPs help to clarify MPs ability to enrich pollutants and their potential environmental risks. In this study, the interaction mechanisms between MPs and hydrophilic organic contaminants, hydrophobic organic contaminants and heavy metals were summarized. Besides, the effects of MPs properties, aging process and environmental factors on the adsorption behavior of MPs were discussed. Moreover, the development status of the current adsorption and prediction models were analyzed. Last but not least, future research directions were put forward based on the shortcomings of the current researches. The sorption mechanisms between MPs and pollutants mainly include hydrophobic, electrostatic, π-π and hydrogen bond interactions. The properties of MPs and pollutants, aging and environmental factors will affect the adsorption behavior of MPs. The development of mixed-order kinetics model, phenomenological kinetics model and predictive models is helpful to clarify and quickly predict the adsorption mechanism of MPs. Further efforts should be put into the interactions between combined pollutants and combined MPs, the effects of aging on MPs adsorption behaviors, and the application and development of relevant models.
Key words:
- microplastics /
- adsorption /
- combined contaminations /
- influence factors /
- aging /
- predictive models
表 1 MPs与有机污染物的相互作用机制
Table 1. Interaction mechanism between MPs and organic pollutants
PollutantsMPs 疏水相互作用
Van der
Waals force氢键相
Reference(1)疏水性污染物 E2 原始/老化PS, PVC, PE √ √ √ [9] NAP PS √ √ √ [10] NIT, PHE PS √ √ [11] PAHs PT, PU, UF √ √ [12] PAHs PS, PCL, PUR, PBS √ √ √ [13] 9-NAnt PE, PP, PS √ √ [14] 双酚类化学品 PVC √ √ √ [15] (2)亲水性污染物 AML PS √ √ [16] 老化PS √ ATV PS √ √ 老化PS √ AMX, CIP, SDZ, TC, TMP PA, PE, PS, PP, PVC √ √ √ [17] PPCPs PP, LDPE, HDPE, PVC √ √ [18] SMT PA, PE, PS, PET, PVC, PP √ √ [19] SMX PA, PE, PS, PET, PVC, PP √ √ [20] TC PE, PP, PS √ √ √ [21] TCS PVC √ √ √ [22] TYL PE, PP, PS, PVC √ √ √ [23] 药物 PE √ √ [24] 离子有机污染物 PVC, PE, PP, PS √ √ [25] 表 1 MPs的比表面积(SSA)及其对污染物的最大吸附容量(Qm)
Table 1. MPs specific surface area and maximum adsorption capacity for pollutants
PollutantsMPs SSA /(m2·g−1) Qm /(mg·g−1) 参考文献
Reference(1)疏水性污染物 PYR PVC 1.3800 0.0787 [105] PS 1.0500 0.1270 PE 0.9600 0.3330 BPA PVC 9.7700 0.9230 [15] BPAF PVC 9.7700 1.0500 BPB PVC 9.7700 0.9930 BPF PVC 9.7700 0.7890 BPS PVC 9.7700 0.7870 PHE PVC 1.8700 0.3030 [29] PS 2.3500 0.4000 PE 6.9100 0.7143 PBDEs PP 0.0004 0.0002 [88] PA 0.0017 0.0002 PS 0.0054 0.0001 E2 PS 0.7183 0.0924 [9] PE 0.2367 0.0863 PVC 0.1339 0.0760 老化PS 1.7407 0.2290 老化PE 1.2041 0.1670 老化PVC 0.9041 0.1090 FIP PLA 0.4440 0.0040 [116] PBS 0.6010 0.0060 PE 0.0011 0.0110 PVC 0.0005 0.0120 PS 0.0037 0.0130 PP 0.0013 0.0260 (2)亲水性污染物 TYL PE 0.7506 0.6667 [23] PP 1.1961 0.0833 PS 1.5392 1.4285 PVC 2.1454 1.6667 TYL PE 0.5080 1.6667 [117] PVC 0.8360 3.3333 TC PE 0.2341 0.1090 [21] PP 0.0365 0.1130 PS 0.0596 0.1670 TC PS-SO3H 72.9200 17.8700 [118] PS 49.5200 11.1100 PS-NH2 86.3630 21.2700 TC PA 8.7100 0.0750 [95] PS 0.0010 0.0860 PE 2.1100 0.1540 TCS PS 0.7300 −0.9800 [119] PE 1.1900 6.1100 TCS PS 2.5300 1.0000 [96] PS 1.8800 0.8900 PS 0.6700 0.7800 PS 0.5800 0.7200 AMX PE 1.4444 8.7980 [120] PET 0.3429 7.1790 PS 2.6363 7.6960 PP 3.2222 4.0280 PVC 0.5929 6.9830 SMX PE 0.2341 0.1080 [8] 苯酚 PE 0.1290 −0.1087 [28] 苯酚 PET 0.3429 2.8020 [120] PS 2.6363 2.7660 PP 3.2222 1.2490 PVC 0.5929 2.2430 OTC PS 2.0300 1.5200 [76] *最大吸附容量Qm基于Langmiur吸附等温线得出。
The maximum adsorption capacity (Qm) was obtained based on Langmiur adsorption isotherm.表 2 MPs吸附行为的影响因素
Table 2. Factors influencing the adsorption behavior of MPs
PollutantsMPs 盐度
SalinitypH 有机质
Organic matter温度
Reference(1)疏水性污染物 E2 原始/老化PS, PVC, PE ↓ ↓ [9] E2 PVC, PMMA, PC, PS, PE, PA ↑ * [60] PAEs PVC, PE, PS ↑ * * [85] PAHs PT, PU, UF ↑ [12] PAHs PE, PS ↑ [86] PAHs PE, PS, PVC ↓ [87] PBDEs PE, PP, PA, PS * * ↓ [88] PBDEs PS * * [89] 老化PS ↓ * PBDEs 原始/老化PE, PS * ↓ [90] PCBs PP ↑ ↓ [91] PHCs PP,PE,PVC ↓ 先↑后↓ [92] 9-NAnt PE * * [14] PP, PS ↓ ↓ 胺微污染物 PE ↑ [93] (2)亲水性污染物 CBZ, TC PE * * ↓ * [35] CIP 原始/老化PS, PVC ↓ 先↑后↓ [39] OTC 原始/老化PS ↓ pH=5最大 ↑ [76] PFASs HDPE, PS, PS-COOH ↓ ↓ [37] PPCPs PP * [94] PPCPs PP, LDPE, HDPE, PVC ↓ 复杂 [18] SMT PA, PE, PS, PET, PVC, PP ↓ ↓ [19] SMX PE * * * [8] SMX PA, PE, PS, PET, PVC, PP ↓ ↓ [20] TC PE, PP, PS * pH=6最大 ↑ [21] TC PA ↓ ↑ 先↑后↓ [95] PE ↓ ↑ ↓ PS ↓ ↓ 先↑后↓ TCS PS * ↓ * [96] TCS 老化PP ↑ [77] TCS PVC ↑ ↓ [22] TYL PE, PP, PS, PVC 先↑后↓ ↓ [23] “↑”促进作用;“↓”抑制作用;“*”无明显影响。“↑” promotion; “↓” inhibition; “*” no obvious effect. 表 3 常见吸附模型表达式及特征
Table 3. Expressions and features of adsorption models
FeaturePFO (1) $ \dfrac{{\rm{d}}{q}_{t}}{{\rm{d}}t}={k}_{1}\left({q}_{e}-{q}_{t}\right) $ 可用于描述非平衡条件下高初始吸附物浓度的动力学过程 PSO (2) $ \dfrac{{\rm{d}}{q}_{t}}{{\rm{d}}t}={k}_{2}{\left({q}_{e}-{q}_{t}\right)}^{2} $ ①吸附速率由吸附空位数的平方决定,该空位未被吸附剂表面占据,并且吸附过程涉及电子共享或电子在吸附剂和被吸附物之间转移;②可用于描述低初始吸附物浓度的动力学过程和化学吸附过程,但不能描述在短时间内吸附能力的急剧上升 Elovich (3) $ \dfrac{{\rm{d}}{q}_{t}}{{\rm{d}}t}={\alpha e}^{-\beta q} $ 适用于描述材料在异质表面上的吸附过程 MO (4) $ \dfrac{{\rm{d}}{q}_{t}}{{\rm{d}}t}={k}_{1}\left({q}_{e}-{q}_{t}\right)+{k}_{2}{\left({q}_{e}-{q}_{t}\right)}^{2} $ 适用于描述整个吸附过程 Henrry (5) $ {q}_{e}={k}_{d}{C}_{e} $ 表明存在明显的分配过程 Langmiur (6) $ {q}_{e}=\dfrac{{q}_{m}b{C}_{e}}{1+b{C}_{e}} $ 表明吸附剂在均质吸附剂表面上被单层覆盖 Freundlich (7) $ {q}_{e}={k}_{f}{C}_{e}^{n} $ 表明吸附剂表面的非均质性以及吸附位点及其能量的指数分布,适用于单层和多层吸附 Tempkin (8) $ {q}_{e}=\dfrac{RT}{{b}_{T}}{\rm{ln}}\left({A}_{T}{C}_{e}\right) $ 考虑了吸附剂与吸附剂相互作用的影响,并假设吸附能随表面覆盖率线性降低 Dubinin-Radushkevich (9) $ {q}_{e}={q}_{s}{\rm{exp}}\left(-B{\epsilon }^{2}\right) $ 经验模型,其吸附遵循孔隙填充机制 Redlich-Petersen (10) $ {q}_{e}=\dfrac{{K}_{R}{C}_{e}}{1+{\alpha }_{R}{C}_{e}^{\beta }} $ 兼具Freundlich和Langmuir模型的特征,并将3个参数合并到方程中 *qt和qe(mg·g−1)分别是在时间t和平衡时固相中吸附质的浓度;k1和k2(min−1)分别是PFO和PSO速率常数;α(ng·g−1·h−1)是初始吸附速率,β(g·ng−1)是解吸常数。吸附等温线模型的参数含义参见原文[19, 105].
qt and qe (mg·g−1) are the concentration of adsorbed substance in the solid phase at time t and equilibrium, respectively. k1 and k2(min−1) are PFO and PSO rate constants, respectively. α (ng·g−1·h−1) is the initial adsorption rate and β (g·ng−1) is the desorption constant. The parameters of the adsorption isotherm model are given in the original articles[19, 105]. -
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