Analysis on spatial distribution and influencing factors of groundwater hardness in the plain area of Hetian Prefecture, Xinjiang
摘要: 以2017年新疆和田地区平原区240组地下水水质检测数据为基础,综合运用离子比、Gibbs模型和氯碱指数等方法对其地下水硬度空间分布特征及影响因素进行分析.结果表明,水平方向上,高硬度地下水主要分布在研究区中北部靠近沙漠一带呈面状分布,总体呈现自南向北逐渐递增的趋势;垂直方向上,单一结构潜水总硬度随着埋深增加而降低,多层结构潜水-承压水总硬度均值排序为深层承压水(859.9 mg·L-1)、潜水(628.7 mg·L-1)、浅层承压水(471.8 mg·L-1);研究区地下水总硬度空间分布格局主要受水文地球化学作用和水化学环境因素共同影响,其中水文地球化学作用占主导因素.离子来源分析表明,该区地下水总硬度中Ca2+和Mg2+来源于蒸发盐岩与碳酸盐岩的风化溶解和阳离子交替吸附作用.Abstract: Based on the groundwater quality test data of 240 groups in the plain area of Hetian Prefecture, Xinjiang in 2017, the spatial distribution characteristics and influencing factors of the groundwater hardness were comprehensively analyzed by means of ion ratio, Gibbs model and chlor-alkali index. The results showed that:horizontally, the high hardness groundwater was mainly distributed in area that near the desert in the north and central part of the study area, showing a gradually increasing trend along the south to north direction; vertically, the total hardness of single structure phreatic water decreased with the increase of buried depth, while the average value of the total hardness in multi-layer structure phreatic water and confined water fellows the decreasing order of deep confined groundwater (859.9 mg·L-1), phreatic water (628.7 mg·L-1), shallow confined groundwater (471.8 mg·L-1).The spatial distribution pattern of high hardness groundwater in the study area was mainly affected by hydrogeochemical process and hydrochemical environmental factors,among which hydrogeochemical process was the dominant factor. According to the analysis of ion sources, Ca2+ and Mg2+ in total hardness of groundwater in this area were derived from the weathering dissolution of evaporite and carbonate rock and cation alternate adsorption.
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