Determination of arsenic species in aquatic products by high performance liquid chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry: A review
摘要: 水产品中的砷化合物存在形态多样且含量远高于陆地生物,砷的毒性取决于它的化学形态,因此对水产品中砷形态的分析具有重要意义.高效液相色谱(HPLC)与电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)由于低检出限和宽线性范围的优点,被广泛应用于水产品中砷的形态分析.本文结合国内外使用HPLC/ICP-MS分析水产品(海藻、鱼类、甲壳类和贝类)中砷化合物的文献资料,总结了该仪器的重要工作参数和方法的分析验证性能,包括分离柱类型、流动相条件、线性方程和相关系数、检出限、定量限以及精密度等方面;同时也总结了各类水产品中砷的赋存形态和含量.本文可为进一步研究水产品中砷的迁移转化规律、食品质量安全评价与风险评估及相关法规的制定提供可靠技术参考.
- 砷形态 /
- 水产品 /
- 进展
Abstract: The arsenic content in aquatic products is much higher than that of land organisms, which possess a potential food risk to humans. The toxicity of arsenic depends on its chemical form, so it is a great significance to analysis arsenic species in aquatic products. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with inductively coupled plasma coupling (ICP-MS) were widely used for the detection and analysis of arsenic species in aquatic products due to the advantages of low detection limit and wide linear range. This review combined the literatures from China and other countries about using HPLC/ICP-MS to analysis arsenic compounds in aquatic products (i.e. seaweed, fish, crustaceans and shellfish), and summarized the important working parameters and the analytical performance of the method, including the types of separation columns, the mobile phase conditions, the linear equation and correlation coefficient, the limit of detection, the limit of quantification, and the precision, etc. At the same time, the existence form and content of arsenic in various aquatic products were also summarized. This review could provide a reliable technical reference for further research on the migration and transformation of arsenic in aquatic products, food quality and safety assessment, the risk assessment, and the formulation of related regulations.-
Key words:
- arsenic species /
- aquatic products /
- progress
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