Biomass allocation pattern of Canna indica L. at different growthstages and its accumulation and distribution characteristics of heavy metals
摘要: 为了探讨美人蕉不同生长期对土壤重金属的生态适应,通过盆栽试验探究了幼苗期、花蕾期、盛花期美人蕉植株的根系和地上部分的生物量及其累积重金属含量的特征与差异.结果表明,随美人蕉龄的增长,美人蕉整株生物量增长速度先快后慢,地上部分生长速度远高于根系,植株生物量分配格局逐渐向地上转移;美人蕉各生长期对As、Pb、Zn、Mg、Cd和Mn等重金属的富集能力各异,在幼苗期、花蕾期和盛花期对As、Pb、Zn、Mg的蓄积均为典型的根部积累型;对Cd和Mn的蓄积在幼苗期为根部积累型,在花蕾期和盛花期为地上积累型;美人蕉地上部分和根系累积的Cd、Pb、As含量分别高达11.096—25.692 mg·kg-1和13.503—20.923、9.206—24.57 mg·kg-1和51.126—161.783、0.914—1.447 mg·kg-1和1.228—7.254 mg·kg -1.美人蕉能修复复合重金属污染土壤.Abstract: To explore the ecological adaptation of Canna indica L. in different growth stages to soil heavy metals, the characteristics and differences of biomass and accumulated heavy metal content were analyzed in roots and above-ground parts of Canna indica L. plants at seedling stage, flower bud stage and flowering stage by pot experiment. The results showed that the growth rate of whole plant biomass was fast initialy and then slow. The growth speed of the above-ground part was much faster than that of roots. The biomass allocation pattern of the Canna indica L. plant gradually shifted to the above-ground part. The bioaccumulation capacities of heavy metals such as As, Pb, Zn, Mg, Cd and Mn were different at different developmental stages of Canna indica L.. The accumulation of As, Pb, Zn and Mg in the seedling stage, flower bud stage and flowering stage was of typical root accumulating type. The accumulation of Cd and Mn in Canna indica L. was root accumulating at the seedling stage, and it was above-ground accumulating type at the flower bud stage and flowering stage. The accumulated Cd, Pb and As contents in the above-ground part and the root of Canna indica L. were 11.096—25.692 mg·kg-1 and13.503—20.923, 9.206—24.57 mg·kg-1 and 51.126—161.783, 0.914—1.447 mg·kg-1 and 1.228—7.254 mg·kg-1, respectively. Canna indica L. could repair complex heavy metal contaminated soil.
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