Electron transfer mechanisms of humic substances and their environmental implications:A review
摘要: 腐殖质通过充当微生物的电子受体和氧化物的电子供体可以加速微生物与胞外电子受体间的电子传递速率.腐殖质的电子传递能力受自身结构、来源和外界条件等多种因素的影响.腐殖质不仅能够很大程度地加速电子传递进程,且具有结构和性质稳定等特点,是自然环境中较理想的电子穿梭体.与经过化学提取、纯化后的腐殖质相比较,土壤固相腐殖质更能反映实际环境中的电子传递过程.目前,已有很多研究将腐殖质的电子传递应用于土壤污染治理、温室效应的缓解和水污染处理等多个领域.但在腐殖质电子传递机制及其环境应用的研究中还存在诸多不足,需要广大学者做更进一步的探究.Abstract: Humic substances(HS) can serve as electron shuttles that promote the electron transfer from microorganisms to extracellular electron acceptors. The electron transfer capacity of HS could be influenced by many factors, including molecular structure, source, and environmental conditions. HS can not only accelerate the process of electron transfer, but also have stable structure and chemical properties, and this is why HS can be used as an ideal electron shuttle in the natural environments. Compared with dissolved HS which are extracted and purified by chemical reagents, the solid phase HS could better reflect the electron transfer processes in the real environment. In this review article, we highlight recent advances in the understanding of the applications of HS on the remediation of soil pollution, the mitigation of greenhouse effect, and the treatment of water pollution. Although many researches have been conducted on electron transfer via HS, some issues with respect to the electron transfer mechanism of HS and its environment implications should be addressed further.
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