Exploration and suggestions on the provincial construction of “Zero-waste City”
摘要: 开展“无废城市”建设是在城市层面系统解决固体废物管理问题的重要抓手,为全面提升省域内城市发展与固体废物统筹管理水平,各省结合国家“十四五”时期“无废城市”建设工作要求和本省实际,研究制定省域“无废城市”建设实施方案,积极开展省域“无废城市”建设。目前,已有15个省 (市) 开展了全省域“无废城市”建设或次第推进省域内“无废城市”建设,还有一些省份也在积极推动全省“无废城市”建设工作。全域“无废城市”建设是一项创新性工作,各项工作基本都在试点探索的阶段。部分省份在“十四五”开局抓住机遇,率先探索出一批好的经验模式。为更好挖掘省域“无废城市”建设典型经验做法,形成可复制可推广模式,以浙江、江苏、重庆等3个正在开展全省域“无废城市”建设的省 (市) 为例,重点梳理总结各省的探索创新做法,同时,结合各省在“无废城市”建设中凝练出共性特征,有针对性的从加强组织领导、强化法治保障、积极探索创新、加大宣传教育等4个方面提出具体建议。本研究结果可为正在开展或即将开展省域“无废城市”建设的省份提供借鉴与示范。Abstract: The construction of “Zero-waste city” is an important starting point to systematically solve the problem of solid waste management at the city level. In order to comprehensively improve the overall management level of provincial urban development and solid waste, each province has studied and formulated the implementation plan for the provincial construction of “Zero-waste City” according to the requirements of the construction of “Zero-waste City” in the 14th Five-Year Plan period and the actual situation of the province, and actively carried out the provincial construction of “Zero-waste City”. At present, 15 provinces ( cities ) have carried out the construction of “Zero-waste City” in the province or advanced the construction of “Zero-waste City” in sequence in the province, and some provinces are also actively promoting the construction of “Zero-waste City” in the province. The construction of “Zero-waste City” in the whole region is an innovative work, and all the work is basically in the stage of pilot exploration. Some provinces seized the opportunity at the beginning of the 14th Five-Year Plan and took the lead in exploring a number of good experience models. In order to better explore the typical experience and practice of the construction of “Zero-waste City” in the province, and form a reproducible and releasable model, taking Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Chongqing that are carrying out the construction of “Zero-waste City” in the province as examples, the exploration and innovation practices of each province are summarized. At the same time, combined with the common characteristics of each province in the construction of “Zero-waste City”, specific suggestions are put forward from four aspects: strengthening organizational leadership, strengthening legal protection, actively exploring innovation, and increasing publicity and education. The results of this study can provide reference and demonstration for provinces that are carrying out or are about to carry out the construction of “Zero-waste City”.
Key words:
- "Zero-waste City" /
- provincial /
- actively exploring innovation /
- solid waste management.
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