湖泊富营养化的形成与浮游植物及环境因子密切相关。浮游植物是水生系统中重要的初级生产者,也是水生生物群落结构中重要的组成部分,在维持湖泊、河流及湿地等生态系统稳定性和完整性方面起着重要作用[10-11]。由于浮游植物对于环境变化的敏感性,常被用于环境监测和水体富营养化评价的指示生物[12-13]。在天然水体中,受水环境的营养型影响,浮游植物的种类、密度及生物量都存在着一定空间异质性,且影响浮游植物分布格局的主要环境因素各不相同。ZHU等[14]使用预测模型发现洱海浮游植物演替的关键环境因子包括总氮 (total nitrogen,TN) 、总磷 (total phosphorus,TP) 、溶解氧 (dissolved oxygen,DO) 、透明度 (secchi disc,SD) 、电导率 (conductivity,Cond) 、温度 (water temperature,WT) 和氧化还原电位 (oxidation-reductionpotential,ORP) 。XIAO等[15]研究长江中下游81个湖泊,发现不同尺度的空间因子相较于环境变量对浮游植物群落格局的影响更大。此外,水动力特征如水位波动及水流速、流量的不同,也会影响浮游植物群落结构分布的差异[16-17]。目前,许多研究揭示了天然湖泊空间异质性和环境因子对浮游植物群落结构及分布的影响[18-19]。因此,有必要开展城市人工湖空间异质性和环境因子与浮游植物群落关系的研究。
本研究基于福州某城市人工湖水环境因子和浮游植物群落数据,运用聚类分析 (CA) 、主坐标分析 (PCoA) 及冗余分析 (RDA) 方法,进一步探究该城市人工湖不同区域中浮游植物群落结构的差异及造成差异的驱动因子,并根据不同空间的富营养化状态和污染特点提出精准控制措施,以期为城市人工湖的生态治理和保护提供参考。
Analysis of the impact of spatial heterogeneity and environmental factors to community structure of phytoplankton in an artificial lake in Fuzhou, China
摘要: 城市人工湖水体的浮游植物群落时空分布特征及其富营养化风险会严重影响其生态景观功能,本研究对福州某人工湖的浮游植物群落结构和环境因子进行聚类 (CA) ,将其分为4个区域,并进一步分析不同区域的富营养化状态和污染成因,以提出针对性控制策略。结果表明,区域Ⅰ、Ⅱ浮游植物生物量分别为0.14 mg·L−1和0.22 mg·L−1,优势门分别为硅藻门和隐藻门,且TLI指数 (分别为41.46及42.92) 及浮游植物多样性指数 (分别为2.15及1.96) 显示两区域均为中污染型水体。区域Ⅲ、区域Ⅳ为出入湖水体,藻类含量较低, TLI指数为46.08及46.83,为中营养状态,浮游植物多样性指数为1.90及1.75,显示为轻污染型水体。浮游植物群落结构与环境因子相关性分析结果表明影响区域Ⅰ、Ⅱ浮游植物群落的环境因子为水体Cu、Pb、DO含量,而影响区域Ⅲ、Ⅳ浮游植物群落的环境因子为TN、TP及NH4+。针对4个区域的富营养状态和污染特点,提出了相应控制和治理策略,为人工湖开展精准生态治理提供依据和支撑。Abstract: The spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of phytoplankton communities in urban artificial lakes and their eutrophication risks will seriously affect their ecological landscape functions. This study conducted cluster analysis (CA) on the phytoplankton community structure and environmental factors of an artificial lake in Fuzhou, dividing it into four regions, and further analyzing the eutrophication status and pollution causes in different regions to propose targeted control strategies. The results showed that the biomass of phytoplankton in region I was 0.14 mg·L−1, mainly composed of diatoms. The highest biomass of phytoplankton in Region II was 0.22 mg·L−1, with cryptophyta and diatoms dominating. And regions III and IV were river water bodies with low algae content. The TLI index of all four regions are 41.46, 42.92, 46.08 and 46.83, indicating a moderate nutrient state, while the phytoplankton diversity index showed that regions I (2.15) and II (1.96) were moderately polluted water bodies, while regions III (1.90) and IV (1.75) were lightly polluted water bodies. The correlation analysis between the structure of phytoplankton communities and environmental factors showed that the environmental factors of phytoplankton communities in the affected areas I and II were the content of Cu, Pb, and DO in the water body, while the environmental factors of phytoplankton communities in the affected areas III and IV were TN, TP, and NH4+. Based on the pollution characteristics of the four regions, corresponding control and governance strategies were proposed to provide technical support for the ecological management of artificial lakes.
Key words:
- urban artificial lakes /
- phytoplankton /
- spatial heterogeneity /
- regionalized governance
Shannon-Wiener评价 Pielous评价 Margalef评价 TLI评价 Shannon-Wiener 水质类型 Pielous 水质类型 Margalef 水质类型 TLI 水质类型 >3 清洁型 0.8~1.0 清洁型 0~1 重度污染型 <30 贫营养 2~3 轻污染型 0.5~0.8 轻污染型 1~2 中度污染型 30~50 中营养 1~2 中污染型 0.3~0.5 中污染型 2~3 轻度污染型 50~60 轻度富营养 0~1 重污染型 0~0.3 重污染型 >3 清洁型 60~70 中度富营养 >70 重度富营养 表 2 城市人工湖不同区域浮游植物优势属
Table 2. Dominant species of phytoplankton in different regions of urban artificial lakes
优势种 区域 门类 种类 拉丁名 区域Ⅰ 区域Ⅱ 区域Ⅲ 区域Ⅳ 蓝藻门 平裂藻 Merismopedia sp. 0.0259 — — — 隐藻门 隐藻 Cryptomonas sp. 0.158 0.471 — 0.088 黄藻门 黄丝藻 Tribonema sp. 0.045 — — — 硅藻门 直链藻 Melosira sp. 0.265 0.199 0.136 0.145 小环藻 Cyclotella sp. 0.158 0.093 0.438 0.155 针杆藻 Synedra sp. 0.035 — — 0.105 舟形藻 Navicula sp. 0.051 0.047 0.070 0.181 菱形藻 Nitzschia sp. 0.030 — — 0.043 绿藻门 四角藻 Tetraedron sp. — — — 0.039 栅藻 Scenedesmus sp. 0.022 0.024 表 3 城市人工湖营养状态评价结果
Table 3. Evaluation results of nutritional status of urban artificial lakes
区域编号 TLI(Chla) TLI(TP) TLI(TN) TLI(SD) TLI(COD) TLI 营养级别 区域Ⅰ 23.83 33.76 67.54 54.36 36.84 41.46 中营养 区域Ⅱ 29.00 34.37 69.56 50.40 38.92 42.97 中营养 区域Ⅲ 14.46 58.08 79.91 59.42 33.53 46.08 中营养 区域Ⅳ 25.76 45.83 72.91 68.90 31.14 46.83 中营养 -
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