水体净化中最常用的吸附材料是碳材料。NAVARRO等[16]在使用活性炭吸附铜离子电解液中的锑时发现活性炭在水中含有带正电的表面基团,推测活性炭吸附金属离子的机理为静电作用。SALAM等[17]在研究合成多壁碳管吸附锑的干扰因素和机理时,认为Sb(Ⅲ)在碳管上的吸附机制为液膜扩散和进一步的颗粒内扩散。虽然碳材料对Sb有一定的吸附效果,但对于Sb质量浓度较低的水体处理效果一般,难以达到水质标准要求,而金属基材料对Sb的吸附效果更好。QI等[18]合成了Ce-Fe3O4复合材料并对Sb进行的吸附实验取得了较好的效果。SHAN等[19]使用赤铁矿颗粒对Sb进行处理,吸附容量达到了36.7 mg·g−1。除铁基材料外还有其他金属材料应用于锑的吸附,如活性氧化铝对锑也有较好的吸附去除效果[20],锰氧化物[21],镍铁氧化物复合材料[22]、钴氧化物对水中锑吸附效果都较好[23],可达饮用水标准。但这些金属基材料吸附除锑都存在一些缺点,如部分金属材料具有磁性易团聚不易分散[24],有些金属具有毒性对水体安全有影响。而将金属材料与活性炭结合制成复合材料用于吸附除锑是不错的选择。LUO等[25]使用活性炭负载氧化锆去除水中锑,在pH=7时复合材料对Sb(Ⅲ)和Sb(Ⅴ)的最大吸附容量为70.83 mg·g−1和57.17 mg·g−1。YU等[26]使用FeCl3改性颗粒活性炭,在pH=7.0、温度25 ℃的条件下对Sb的去除效果是普通活性炭的3.5倍。但上述研究尚未对复合材料的除锑机理进行深入的探讨,且氧化锆不经济、在饮用水中还存在安全隐患。
Adsorption performance and mechanism of iron oxide/activated carbon on Sb(V) in drinking water
摘要: 采用液相沉积法制备了铁氧化物/活性炭复合材料(Fe2O3@AC),通过单因素实验和正交实验优化了材料的制备条件,使用SEM、FTIR、XRD、XPS等分析方法对材料的形貌和性质进行了表征分析,通过吸附实验探究了Fe2O3@AC吸附除锑的效果及影响因素,并进一步对吸附除锑的机理进行了深入探讨。结果表明:最佳制备条件为纯水:乙醇:=4:1,Fe2+:Fe3+=1:1,总铁浓度为0.594 mol·L−1,制备液pH=1.88。Fe2O3@AC吸附除锑的能力较其他金属基材料和活性炭有明显提高,锑原水质量浓度为38 μg·L−1,Fe2O3@AC投加量为0.08 g·L−1,吸附平衡后水中锑的去除率达97%,剩余锑质量浓度为1.06 μg·L−1,满足国家饮用水卫生标准要求。微观表征显示铁氧化物颗粒成功负载于活性炭上,且铁氧化物晶体的结构完好。吸附反应符合准二级动力学和Langmuir等温模型,吸附反应以单层化学吸附为主,吸附类型为液膜扩散,颗粒内扩散,质量扩散的叠加形式。吸附方式为共沉淀,及溶解态锑与固相铁氧化物形成络合物,参与反应的官能团为—OH、—COOH、—Fe—OH、—Fe—O—Fe。Abstract: The iron oxide/activated carbon composites(Fe2O3@AC) were prepared by liquid-phase deposition, and their preparation conditions were optimized by the single factor and orthogonal experiments. SEM, FTIR, XRD, XPS were used to characterize the morphology and properties. The adsorption experiments were conducted to investigate antimony removal effect by Fe2O3@AC adsorption and the corresponding influencing factors, and antimony removal mechanism was discussed in depth. The results showed that the optimal preparation conditions were following: pure water:ethanol of 4:1, Fe2+:Fe3+ of 1:1, total iron concentration of 0.594 mol·L−1 and the preparation solution pH of 1.88. Compared with other metal-based materials and activated carbon, The ability of antimony removal by Fe2O3@AC adsorption increased significantly. When the concentration of antimony in the raw water was 38 μg·L−1 and Fe2O3@AC dosage was 0.08 g·L−1, the removal rate of antimony could reach 97% after adsorption equilibrium, and the remaining antimony concentration was 1.06 μg·L−1, which met the requirements of National Drinking Water Sanitation Standards. Microscopic characterization showed that the iron oxide particles were successfully loaded on the activated carbon and the iron oxide crystals were structurally intact. The adsorption reaction conformed to the quasi-secondary kinetic and Langmuir isotherm models, and the adsorption reaction was dominated by monolayer chemisorption. The adsorption types were superposition of liquid film diffusion, intraparticle diffusion and mass diffusion forms. The adsorption was co-precipitated and complexes were formed between dissolved antimony and solid phase iron oxides, the functional groups involved in the reaction were —OH,—COOH,—Fe—OH,—Fe—O—Fe.
Key words:
- iron oxides /
- activated carbon /
- adsorption /
- antimony removal
表 1 Fe2O3@AC优化制备条件的正交表
Table 1. Orthogonal table of optimized Fe2O3@AC preparation conditions
编号 水:乙醇 Fe2+:Fe3+ 铁离子浓度/
(mol·L−1)pH 锑去除率/
%1 2:3(1) 2:1(1) 0.2(1) 1.7(1) 62 2 2:3(1) 1:1(2) 0.6(3) 1.9(2) 91 3 2:3(1) 1:2(3) 0.4(2) 4.1(3) 73 4 3:2(2) 2:1(1) 0.6(3) 4.1(3) 79 5 3:2(2) 1:1(2) 0.4(2) 1.7(1) 82 6 3:2(2) 1:2(3) 0.2(1) 1.9(2) 77 7 4:1(3) 2:1(1) 0.4(2) 1.9(2) 85 8 4:1(3) 1:1(2) 0.2(1) 4.1(3) 83 9 4:1(3) 1:2(3) 0.6(3) 1.7(1) 88 k1 75.3 75.3 74 77.3 k2 79.3 85.3 80 84.3 k3 85.3 79.3 86 78.3 极差 10 10 12 7 注:表中编号(1)、(2)、(3)为正交实验中各因素选取的水平数。 表 2 各材料的FTIR特征峰对比
Table 2. Comparison of FTIR characteristic peaks of each material
材料 —OH/cm−1 —OOH/—COOH
/cm−1—Fe—OH/cm−1 —Fe—O—Fe/cm−1 铁氧化物粉末 1 383 3 333, 3 373 412,682 836 活性炭 1 586 3 438 —— —— Fe2O3@AC 1 257, 1 319, 1 383, 1 586 3 417 411, 679 879 Fe2O3@AC-Sb 1 269, 1 315, 1 383, 1 587 3 382 420, 695 891 表 3 XRD特征峰对比
Table 3. Comparison of XRD characteristic peaks
材料 磁铁矿/(°) 铁氧化物/活性炭 26.66、35.06、39.12、46.22、56.06、61.2 铁氧化物 27.5、35.38、39、47.93、56.46、61.64 表 4 吸附动力学模型参数拟合结果
Table 4. Results of parameter fitting of adsorption kinetic model
吸附剂 吸附量 准一级动力学 准二级动力学 q/(μg·g−1) qe/(μg·g−1) K1 R2 qe/(μg·g−1) K2 R2 Fe2O3@AC 401.775 296.19 0.003 06 0.953 1 434.783 1.73×10−5 0.997 4 吸附剂 Bangham动力学 颗粒内扩散模型 KB R2 kp C R2 Fe2O3@AC 15.993 0.827 4 9.3 76.199 0.813 3 表 5 吸附等温线模型参数拟合结果
Table 5. Results of parameter fitting of adsorption isotherm model
吸附剂 Langmuir等温线 Freundlich等温线 b qmax/(μg·g−1) R2 Kf n R2 Fe2O3@AC 107.9 1.48 0.99 9.95 1.62 0.92 -
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