为分析 “十四五”时期大宗工业固体废物污染防治形势,本研究在全面评估大宗工业固体废物产生现状的基础上,利用灰色GM(1,1)模型预测了“十四五”时期重点行业典型大宗工业固体废物产生情况,并提出了“十四五”时期相关行业的环境管理对策。
Current situation analysis and production forecast of typical bulk industrial solid wastes in China
摘要: 针对大宗工业固体废物产生量大、历史堆存量多的问题,基于历史年份产废量和行业贡献度分析结果,运用灰色GM(1,1)模型预测了2021–2025年特定行业典型大宗工业固体废物产生量。结果表明,尾矿、粉煤灰、煤矸石、冶炼废渣、炉渣、脱硫石膏等6种典型大宗工业固体废物普遍集中产生于1~2个特定行业,且特定行业的贡献程度普遍超过80%。到2025年,我国金属矿采选业尾矿,电力、热力生产和供应业粉煤灰,煤炭开采和洗选业煤矸石,黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业冶炼废渣,电力、热力生产和供应业炉渣及脱硫石膏产生量将分别达到13.46×1011、6.45×1011、15.86×1011、6.21×1011、2.57×1011和2.50×1011 kg,较2019年产生量分别增长55%、39%、238%、73%、52%和131%。建议充分考虑以采矿、冶金、电力、热力等产废量较大的行业为治理重点,并合理规划大宗工业固体废物利用处置设施布局和能力建设。本研究结果可为“十四五”时期深入开展“无废城市”建设,科学制订产废行业环境管理政策提供参考。
- 典型大宗工业固体废物 /
- “十四五”时期 /
- GM(1 /
- 1)模型
Abstract: In view of the problems of large amount of production and historical stockpiles of bulk industrial solid waste, scientifically to predict the generation of typical bulk industrial solid waste during the “14th Five-Year Plan” period. Based on the analysis of waste production and industry contribution in historical years, the gray GM (1,1) model was used to predict the production of typical bulk industrial solid waste in specific industries from 2021 to 2025 . The results showed that six typical bulk industrial solid wastes, such as tailings, fly ash, coal gangue, smelting waste residue, slag, and desulfurized gypsum, were generally concentrated in one or two specific industries, and the contribution of specific industries generally exceeds 80%. By 2025, the amount of tailings generated by metal mining and dressing industry, the amount of fly ash generated by the electricity and heat generation and supply industries, the amount of coal gangue generated by the coal mining and washing industry, the amount of smelting waste generated by the ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry, and the amount of slag and desulfurized gypsum generated by the power and thermal generation and supply industry will reach to 13.46×1011, 6.45×1011, 15.86×1011, 6.21×1011, 2.57×1011, 2.50×1011 kg respectively in China, compared with 2019, the production increased by 55%, 39%, 238%, 73%, 52%, 131% respectively. The results of this study can provide a reference for the in-depth development of "zero waste city" during the “14th Five-Year Plan” period and the scientific formulation of environmental management policies for waste-producing industries. Full consideration should be given to industries that generate large amounts of waste, such as mining, metallurgy, electricity, and heat, and rationally plan the layout and capacity building of bulk industrial solid waste utilization and disposal facilities.-
Key words:
- typical bulk industrial solid wastes /
- “14th Five-Year Plan” period /
- GM(1 /
- 1) model
表 1 2016–2019年全国典型大宗工业固体废物产生量数据样本
Table 1. 2016–2019 National typical bulk industrial solid waste generation data sample 1011 kg
品类和产生行业及编号 2016年 2017年 2018年 2019年 金属矿采选业尾矿(X1) 7.06 7.82 7.7 8.96 电力、热力生产和供应业粉煤灰(X2) 3.70 4.17 4.50 4.65 煤炭开采和洗选业煤矸石(X3) 3.20 3.20 3.40 4.70 黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业冶炼废渣(X4) 2.90 3.00 3.30 3.60 电力、热力生产和供应业炉渣(X5) 1.50 1.47 1.60 1.69 电力、热力生产和供应业脱硫石膏(X6) 0.66 0.81 1.00 1.08 -
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