考虑到搅拌方式的改进优化对提高秸秆类农业废弃物干法厌氧发酵效率具有的直接影响,本研究基于长三角地区开展的稻秸干法厌氧发酵的最佳工艺参数 [12-13],并借鉴常见的横卧推流式中试厌氧反应器,通过改进框型叶片机械搅拌及增加前后端气动搅拌组件,设置机械搅拌、全程气动搅拌和前端气动搅拌3种搅拌方式,考察连续进出料条件下单一搅拌方式对稻秸干法厌氧发酵产气规律、底物降解特性及系统稳定性的影响,并据此进一步优化搅拌组合工艺,综合考察发酵效率和能源消耗情况,以期为稻秸轻质纤维类农业废弃物干法厌氧发酵工程中的搅拌方式改进提供技术参考。
Optimization of stirring methods for rice straw dry anaerobic digestion under pilot test
摘要: 针对秸秆类农业废弃物干法厌氧发酵过程中易产生物料分层、表面结垢以及存在“死角”等问题,通过改进横卧推流式中试厌氧反应器搅拌工艺,探索了连续运行条件下机械搅拌、前端气动搅拌和全程气动搅拌等3种单一搅拌方式对稻秸干法厌氧发酵产气规律、底物降解特性及系统稳定性的影响,并通过进一步设置不同的搅拌频次优化了机械搅拌和前端气动搅拌组合工艺,综合考察了发酵效率和能源消耗情况。结果表明,在单一搅拌工艺条件下,稻秸干法厌氧发酵40 d总产气量呈现出“机械搅拌>前端气动搅拌>全程气动搅拌”的规律,分别为75.5、66.5和61.9 m3,对应的单位VS产气量分别为441.9、389.3和362.3 L·kg−1,这说明采用改进型框型叶片的机械搅拌可有效翻动物料,以促进其与发酵液的充分接触。在进一步优化“机械+前端气动”的组合搅拌工艺后发现,稻秸40 d产气量与单一机械搅拌模式较为接近,尤其是“机械搅拌(每天4次)+前端气动搅拌(每天4次)”的组合搅拌方式,单位VS产气量高达447.2 L·kg −1,纤维素和半纤维素降解率分别可达14.9%和15.1%;但从能源损耗角度来看,“机械搅拌(每天2次)+前端气动搅拌(每天4次)”的组合搅拌方式中能耗最低,仅为单一机械搅拌方式能耗的约40%。在稻秸干法厌氧发酵工程实际运行过程中,可根据厌氧发酵效率和能耗节省需求,因地制宜地选择合适的组合搅拌工艺。本研究结果可为木质纤维素类废弃物干法厌氧发酵工程中的搅拌方式改进提供参考。Abstract: To solve the problems of stratification, surface scaling and “dead corners” of lignocellulosic wastes during the dry anaerobic digestion process, the stirring device was improved and the continuous operation was conducted on a horizontal push-flow pilot reactor in this study. Through setting three different stirring methods such as mechanical stirring, front-end pneumatic stirring and whole-process pneumatic stirring, the characteristics of gas production and substrate degradation were explored. The combined process of mechanical stirring and front-end pneumatic stirring was optimized, and the fermentation efficiency and energy consumption were comprehensively investigated. Results showed that the total biogas production of rice straw anaerobic fermentation for 40 days under different stirring methods showed the rule of impeller stirring> front pneumatic stirring> full pneumatic stirring. The yield was 75.5、66.5 and 61.9 m3 and the corresponding unit volatile solids biogas production volume was 441.9、389.3 and 362.3 L·kg−1, respectively. It indicated that impeller stirring with improved frame-shaped blades can effectively stir materials and make that contact with the fermentation broth fully. After further optimizing the stirring time of the mechanical and front pneumatic combined-stirring, the biogas production of rice straw anaerobic fermentation for 40 days under these stirring methods was near to the single-stirring. Especially the combined stirring method of mechanical stirring (4 times every day) and front-end pneumatic stirring (4 times every day), the gas production volume of unit volatile solid was 447.2 L·kg−1, cellulose and the degradation rate of hemicellulose could reach 14.88% and 15.06%. However, as far as concerning energy consumption, the combined stirring method of mechanical stirring (2 times every day) and front-end pneumatic stirring (4 times every day) had the lowest energy consumption, which was only 40% of the energy consumption of a single mechanical stirring method. Therefore, during the actual operation of the rice straw dry anaerobic fermentation project, a suitable combined-stirring method could be selected according to the anaerobic fermentation biogas efficiency and energy-saving requirements. The above results can provide a reference for the improvement of stirring methods in lignocellulosic wastes dry anaerobic digestion.
Key words:
- rice straw /
- dry anaerobic digestion /
- pilot test /
- mechanical stirring /
- pneumatic stirring /
- fermentation efficiency
表 1 供试材料理化性质
Table 1. Physical and chemical properties of raw materials
供试材料 总固体质量分数/% 挥发性固体质量分数/% 纤维素质量分数/% 半纤维素质量分数/% pH C/N 水稻秸秆 90.5 87.6 37.5 22.0 − 64 猪粪 22.7 86.6 − − 8.1 9 沼液 4.0 86.0 − − 7.2 − 表 2 不同搅拌方式下的有机组分去除效率
Table 2. Removal efficiency of organic components under different stirring methods
运行阶段 VS去除率/% 纤维素降解率/% 半纤维素降解率/% Ⅱ.1 37.3±2.1 14.7±1.1 14.1±1.2 Ⅱ.2 30.6±2.1 12.9±0.6 10.3±0.9 Ⅱ.3 32.5±3.1 12.7±0.8 13.1±0.8 表 3 组合搅拌方式下的产气效率及有机组分降解效率
Table 3. Gas production efficiency and organic component degradation efficiency under combined stirring methods
运行阶段 产气情况 有机组分降解情况 单位VS产气量/(L·kg−1) 甲烷体积分数/% 总产气量/m3 VS去除率/% 纤维素降解率/% 半纤维素降解率/% Ⅲ.1 447.2 63.7±3.7 76.4 41.4±1.2 14.9±0.9 15.1±1.6 Ⅲ.2 437.3 63.8±1.2 74.7 38.2±1.9 13.7±1.5 15.3±1.3 Ⅲ.3 421.5 64.5±1.8 72.0 35.3±1.4 12.3±1.3 15.9±2.1 表 4 不同搅拌工艺条件下年耗能对比测算
Table 4. Comparison and estimation table of annual energy consumption under different stirring methods
运行阶段 运行耗能/ kwh 搅拌耗能/kwh 搅拌耗能占比/% Ⅱ.1 6570 3351 51 Ⅲ.1 5475 2311 42 Ⅲ.2 4927 1825 37 Ⅲ.3 4380 1388 31 注:搅拌能耗占比指搅拌能耗占中试装置运行过程中总耗能的比例。 -
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