落地油泥的生物降解处置对环境影响小、处理后不会改变泥砂的性质,是油泥无害处置中较为环保的技术之一[6-7]。在处置过程中,利用生物材料,就可以实现油泥的无害化处理,与其他技术相比经济、生态优势明显。然而,生物降解处置适用于含油率低的油泥[8],含油率一般需低于50 mg·g−1。这是因为,在含油率高于50 mg·g−1的条件下,一方面需要更长的生物处理周期;另一方面含油率过高会影响微生物的生长代谢。为解决这一问题,国外有学者提出采用掺土的办法降低含油率,但这种方法又会大幅度增加处理总量,存在一定局限性[1, 9]。从减量化的角度来看,热水洗法与生物降解处置具有良好的兼容性,在有效控制处理成本的前提下,可实现高含油落地油泥的经济、快速处置。
Remediation of high oil content of oil sludge-contaminated soil by hot water washing and biodegradation
摘要: 为解决油田落地油泥含油率高但不能直接进行生物无害化处置的问题,探索一种热水洗辅助微生物修复工艺。利用热水洗实验考察了清洗配方和水温对降低含油率的影响;从落地油泥中分离出石油烃降解菌,以用于含油残砂的微生物降解过程,同时探究填料和烃降解微生物对残砂中石油烃降解效果的影响。结果表明,鼠李糖脂清洗剂在总用量为0.5%、水洗时间30 min和50 ℃条件下,可将油泥含油率由107.1 mg·g−1降至为39.3 mg·g−1;水洗后残砂中的土著菌群数量出现了明显下降。分离获得了2株烃降解菌,并优选出具有增加油泥溶氧和保水的沼渣。将烃降解微生物和优选沼渣加入残砂后,石油烃生物降解效率得到显著提升,200 d后含油率降为4.62 mg·g−1。在此过程中,微生物优先降解分子量小的饱和烃和芳香烃组分,对胶质和沥青质等组分降解程度偏低。该研究结果可为油田高含油落地油泥的环保处置提供参考。Abstract: In order to solve the problem of high oil content of oil sludge in oilfields but not directly biologically harmless disposal, the pre-treatment of hot water washing and subsequent bioremediation were carried out. Environmental friendly cleaning agent and optimum working condition were screened. Oil degrading microorganisms were isolated from the soil and used to the bioremediation of the residual sands. The effect of bulking agent and the isolated microorganisms were evaluated. The results of oil displacement efficiency shown that the cleaning agent of rhamnolipid was capable of decreasing the oil content from 107.1 mg·g−1 to 39.3 mg·g−1. The suited condition were determined as follows: dosage of cleaning agent 0.5%, the reaction temperature 50 ℃, reaction time 30 min. After washing, the number of indigenous flora in the residual sands has decreased significantly. Two oil degrading microorganisms were isolated, and a better water holding and oxygen dissolving bulking agent of digestate was screened. The results of bioremediation indicated that adding the isolated two strain and bulking agent were in favor of improving the degradation rete, resulted in the oil content decreased to 4.62 mg·g−1 for 200 days. Oil property analysis showed that saturates and aromatics were preferentially degraded compared with the heavy component of resins and asphaltenes. The combined technology would provide technical support to the high oil content of oil sludge-contaminated soil.
表 1 现场不同取样点油泥组分组成
Table 1. Composition of oil sludge from different sampling points
取样点 含油率/
(mg·g−1)a 58.4 29.3 53.6 98.3 b 82.8 18.0 73.7 101 c 131 22.6 64.3 169 d 43.4 16.7 78.9 52.1 e 64.9 14.2 79.5 75.6 f 95.5 19.0 71.4 118 表 2 不同填料的化学成分
Table 2. Chemical properties of various bulking agents
填料名称 含油率/(mg·g−1) 总N/% 总P/% pH 有机质/% 客土 0.62 0.04 0.10 7.9 1.28 秸秆 — 0.69 0.12 7.4 75.1 沼渣 — 1.69 1.03 8.6 81.3 表 3 油田注入水基本理化性质
Table 3. Properties of the oil filed injected water
主要离子质量浓度/ (mg·L−1) 总矿化度/(mg·L−1) pH 温度/℃ 含油率/(mg·g−1) Ca2+ Mg2+ $ { {\rm{HCO}}_3^ - }$ Cl− ${{\rm{SO}}_4^{2 - } }$ Na++K+ 162.3 88.4 1032 5487 201.7 6421 13392 6.90 53.0 0.007 5 表 4 水洗前后落地油泥的理化性质变化
Table 4. Changes in properties of the water-washed oil-contaminated soil after and before washing
供试材料 总N/
(mg·L−1)pH 细微粒组分
含量/(个·mL−1)落地油泥 21.6 3.55 7.3 24.6 8×106 水洗后残砂 7.8 0.66 6.9 22.7 1×105 表 5 生物处理前后残砂中石油烃组分
Table 5. Component analysis of the hydrocarbons from various residual sands
检测项目或组分 未处理的残砂中石油烃组分质量分数/(mg·g−1) 处理200 d后的残砂中石油烃组分质量分数/(mg·g−1) 对照组 投加菌剂组 对照组 投加菌剂组 含油率 39.3±3.4 39.1±2.9 31.2±1.2 4.62±0.6 饱和烃 16.2±1.5 15.9±1.0 10.2±0.3 0.33±0.03 芳香烃 12.4±0.9 11.8±0.5 11.1±0.2 1.02±0.1 胶质 8.62±1.3 9.52±0.8 7.09±0.3 1.24±0.2 沥青质 2.10±0.5 1.88±0.4 2.86±0.4 2.03±0.1 -
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