颗粒床过滤器使用物理和化学性质非常稳定的颗粒状材料组成颗粒层,应用于高温含尘气体除尘,成本低,除尘效率高,运行可靠[1],在固体燃料高效综合利用、清洁发电、余热利用等领域具有巨大的应用潜力[2-4]。双层滤料颗粒床由上、下2层滤料组成,上层滤料选用粒径大于1 mm的粗颗粒,下层滤料选用粒径小于1 mm的细颗粒。当过滤时,含尘气体先通过上层粗滤料层,除去大部分粉尘颗粒,再经过下层细滤料层,捕获剩余的微细粉尘颗粒。床层积灰越多,床层压降会随之升高,当床层压降达到一定值时,该床层停止过滤,进行反吹清灰。在清灰过程中,粗滤料层始终悬浮于细滤料层之上;清灰结束后,上层粗滤料和下层细滤料分界清晰,互不相混,双层滤料颗粒层结构不变[5-8]。
Simulation analysis of gas-solid two-phase flow field in ash hopper of high temperature dual-layer granular bed filter
摘要: 为了促进粉尘沉降,在双层滤料颗粒床高温除尘器灰斗处增加了一个抽气外循环并且在抽气口附近增设挡板,使用Fluent软件对除尘器的气固两相流场进行数值模拟,在抽气循环率为1/6情况下,分析不同挡板的布置方式时粉尘的沉降率。仿真结果表明:当挡板气流通道宽300 mm、高1 400 mm、层间距100 mm、层数6层时,可以大幅增加粉尘沉降率,与无挡板布置方式相比,粉尘粒径为1、25、50 μm的沉降率分别增加了27.15%、28.9%、35.19%。通过分析可知,挡板气流通道宽度、挡板高度和挡板层数的变化对于100 μm以下粒径的粉尘颗粒沉降效果影响较为明显。Abstract: In order to promote dust deposition of high temperature dual-layer granular bed filter, an exhaust external circulation and a baffle were added at its ash hopper and near its suction outlet, respectively. In this study, the Fluent software was used to simulate the gas-solid two-phase flow field of the dust collector. In the case of exhaust cycle rate of 1/6, the dust sedimentation rates under different baffle arrangements were analyzed. The simulation results showed that the a great increase in the dust deposition rate occurred when the baffle airflow passage was 300 mm wide, 1 400 mm high, 6 layers with the interlayer spacing of 100 mm. Compared with the non-baffle layout, the corresponding sedimentation rates of dust with particle sizes of 1, 25 and 50 μm increased by 27.15%, 28.9% and 35.19%, respectively. This indicated that the width of the baffle airflow passage, the height of the baffle and the number of baffle layers had a significant effect on the dust settlement with particle size below 100 μm.
Key words:
- dual-layer granular bed /
- baffle /
- two-phase flow /
- numerical simulation
表 1 无挡板时粉尘颗粒的模拟情况
Table 1. Dust particle simulation without baffle
粒径/μm 进入第6层
数量/个1 2 550 3 308 223 25 1 886 3 317 877 50 586 2 490 3 004 75 1 854 5 227 100 0 91 5 990 125 0 51 6 030 表 2 优化前后挡板粉尘沉降率对比
Table 2. Contrast of dust deposition rates of baffle before and after optimization
粒径/μm 无挡板/% 优化后挡板/% 1 6.32 33.47 25 20.91 49.81 50 54.67 89.86 75 85.97 98.32 100 98.50 98.98 125 99.16 99.56 -
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