Water quality assessment of Pingzhai Reservoir based on fractal interpolation model
摘要: 平寨水库是黔中水利枢纽唯一源头水库,其水环境质量直接影响包括安顺和贵阳在内的整个黔中地区的农业灌溉和城市居民饮水安全.为了深入分析平寨水库的水环境质量状况,于2018年1月、5月、8月和11月对平寨水库7个监测断面水样进行采集,测定TP、TN、NH3-N、COD和DO等5个监测指标,基于分形维数权重建立水质评价模型,对平寨水库水环境质量状况进行综合评价,并与模糊综合评价法和综合污染指数法进行对比分析.结果表明,平寨水库TP、NH3-N和DO浓度均达到Ⅱ类水质标准,TN和COD浓度均超过Ⅱ类水质标准,主要为Ⅳ类和Ⅴ类,是主要污染因子;TP、NH3-N和COD浓度在春季最高,TN浓度在秋季最高,DO浓度在冬季最低.平寨水库全年水质类别主要为Ⅲ类和Ⅳ类,在28个监测序列中,水质达到水功能区划标准的仅21.43%;平寨和跨桥断面水质最差,扈家河断面水质相对最好;春、秋季水质最差,冬、夏季次之.分形插值模型不仅能评价水质状况,而且能对同等级水质状况的优劣进行排序,具有较高的分类精度;其评价结果更客观、有效,在水质综合评价中具有良好的适用性.Abstract: Pingzhai Reservoir is the only source reservoir of the hydro-junction in Central Guizhou area. Therefore, the water quality directly affects agricultural irrigation and urban residents' drinking water safety in the whole area including Anshun and Guiyang. In order to analyze the water quality of Pingzhai Reservoir, water samples were collected in January, May, August and November 2018 at 7 monitoring sections of Pingzhai Reservoir, and several monitoring parameters including TP, TN, NH3-N, COD and DO were determined. In addition, based on the fractal dimension weights, a water quality evaluation model was established to comprehensively evaluate the water environmental quality of Pingzhai Reservoir. Then, the water quality was compared with the results of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and the comprehensive pollution index method. The main results are as follow. The concentrations of TP, NH3-N and DO in Pingzhai Reservoir met the water quality Class Ⅱstandards, and the concentrations of both TN and COD were above Class Ⅱ, mostly above Class Ⅳ and Ⅴ, which are the main pollution factors. The TP, NH3-N and COD concentrations were the highest in spring, the TN concentration was the highest in autumn, but DO concentration was the lowest in winter. The annual water quality of Pingzhai Reservoir was mostly Class Ⅲ and Class Ⅳ and the reaching standard of water quality of water function zoning is only 21.43%. Pingzhai and Kuaqiao sections werethe worst in water quality, while Hujiahe section was the best. Comparing with winter and summer, the water quality was worse in spring and autumn. The fractal interpolation model can not only evaluate the water quality, but rank the quality of the same level of water quality. Therefore it has high accuracy on classification, which makes evaluation results more objective and effective, and has good applicability in the comprehensive evaluation of water quality.
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