Pollution Characteristics and Ecological Risks of Psychoactive Substances in Rivers Entering Taihu Lake
摘要: 精神活性物质是一类摄入人体后对中枢神经系统具有强烈兴奋或抑制作用的新型污染物,其在水环境中的存在可能对水生生物、水生态系统甚至人体健康产生潜在的危害。为评价太湖中精神活性物质的污染水平和生态风险,利用超高效液相色谱-质谱联用法检测了太湖19条入湖河流中13种典型精神活性物质的质量浓度和空间分布规律。结果表明,在太湖19条入湖河流中除苯甲酰牙子碱(BE)和去甲氯胺酮(NK)外,其余11种目标物均有检出,质量浓度范围为n.d.~43.2 ng·L-1。其中麻黄碱(EPH)的检出率和中间浓度最高,分别为100%和11.0 ng·L-1;其次为甲基苯丙胺(METH),检出频率为58%,浓度中值为1.0 ng·L-1;苯丙胺(AMP)在东部湖区均未检出。大部分精神活性物质浓度水平较高的河流分布在竺山湾和西太湖,而海洛因(HR)的高值区主要在南太湖。运用风险熵方法对其进行风险评估,结果显示,太湖流域地表水中检出的13种精神活性物质的风险熵值均<0.1,生态风险较低,但其对水生生态系统的长期和综合风险值得关注。Abstract: Psychoactive substance is a new class of pollutants which has strong excitatory or inhibitory effect on central nervous system after ingestion, and their occurrence in the water environment may cause potential harm to aquatic organisms, aquatic ecosystems and even human health. In order to evaluate the pollution level and ecological risk of psychoactive substances in Taihu Lake, the concentrations and spatial distribution of 13 typical psychoactive substances in 19 rivers entering the lake were determined by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Results showed that except for benzoyltartarine (BE) and norketamine (NK), the other 11 target compounds were ubiquitously detected in the 19 rivers, with the concentrations ranging from below detection limit to 43.2 ng·L-1. Ephedrine (EPH) has the highest detection frequency (100%) and median concentration (11.0 ng·L-1), followed by methamphetamine (METH), with the detection frequency of 58% and median concentration of 1.0 ng·L-1. Amphetamine (AMP) was not detected in the East Taihu Lake. Most drugs were detected in the rivers flowing into Zhushan Bay and West Taihu Lake, while the high levels of heroin (HR) was mainly observed in South Taihu Lake. Risks of the 13 psychoactive substances were assessed with the risk quotient (RQ) method, and results showed that the RQ values of the target compounds in the river water were less than 0.10, indicating their low ecological risks. However, their long-term and comprehensive risks to aquatic ecosystems deserved attention.
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