Phosphorus fractions and source analysis in Fenhe River Basin
摘要: 汾河是山西省工农业生产和人民生活用水的主要水源,水质质量对整个流域的健康程度起着至关重要的作用,因此解析流域水质及其污染源能为流域水环境治理和管理提供基础数据和技术支持。文章以汾河流域为研究区,通过现场实测结合模型构建,分析汾河流域磷污染的赋存特征,量化汾河流域磷的污染来源。结果表明:汾河流域水体总磷浓度范围在0.011~0.433 mg/L,平均值0.187 mg/L,上游磷含量满足水质Ⅱ类考核指标,中下游基本满足Ⅳ类考核指标;汾河流域水体中无机磷浓度在0.000~0.304 mg/L,平均值0.093 mg/L,有机磷浓度范围在0.011~0.295 mg/L,平均值0.094 mg/L,其中上游以有机磷为主,中下游有机磷、无机磷占比相当,这与沿河产业分布密切相关。沉积物中磷含量为63.9~492 mg/kg,平均值为257 mg/kg,属于轻度污染。总磷的沉积物-水分配系数为313~36182 L/kg,总体呈现上游高下游低的趋势,特别是流量相对静止、沉积物有机质含量相对较高的汾河水库出口Kp较高。利用SWAT模型对汾河流域的总磷污染现状及污染源进行解析,城镇居民生活污水排放是汾河流域总磷的重要污染源。Abstract:
Fen River was the main source of water for industrial and agricultural production and people's living in Shanxi Province. The water quality played a crucial role in the health. Therefore, the analysis of the water quality and its pollution sources can provide basic data and technical support for water environment management and management in the basin.The paper analyzed the phosphorus fractions and quantified the source of phosphorus pollution in Fenhe River basin through field measurement and model construction.The results showed that the concentration of total phosphorus in fenhe River basin ranged from 0.011 mg·L−1 to 0.433 mg·L−1 with an average of 0.187 mg·L−1,the content of phosphorus in upper reaches meet standard Ⅱ and the lower reaches meet standard Ⅳ.The concentration of inorganic phosphorus in fenhe River basin ranged from 0.000 mg·L−1 to 0.304 mg·L−1 with an average of 0.093 mg·L−1, and the concentration of organic phosphorus ranged from 0.011 mg·L−1 to 0.295 mg·L-−1 with an average of 0.094 mg·L−1,Organic phosphorus was dominant in the upper reaches and the proportion of organic phosphorus and inorganic phosphorus was similar in the middle and lower reaches, which was closely related to the industrial distribution along the river in the lower reaches.The phosphorus content in sediments ranged from 63.9 mg·kg−1 to 492 mg·kg−1 with an average of 257 mg·kg−1,which belonged to mild pollution.The sediment-water distribution ranged from 313 L·kg−1 to 36182 L·kg−1, with a general trend of high in the upper reaches and low in the lower reaches, especially in Fenhe Reservoir, where the flow was relatively static and the sediment organic matter content was relatively high.The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was used to analyze the present situation and pollution sources of total phosphorus in Fenhe River Basin, the results showed that urban sewage discharge was an important source of phosphorus pollution in Fenhe River basin. -
Key words:
- Fenhe River Basin /
- phosphorus /
- fractions /
- sources analysis
表 1 汾河流域水体和沉积物中磷含量
断面 水体总磷/mg·L−1 水体无机磷/mg·L−1 水体有机磷/mg·L−1 沉积物磷/mg·kg−1 沉积物有机质/mg·kg−1 2020目标值/mg·L−1 S1 0.014 0.002 0.012 492.0 30.75 0.1(Ⅱ类) S2 0.022 0.000 0.022 63.9 9.50 0.1(Ⅱ类) S3 0.011 0.000 0.011 398.0 19.42 0.1(Ⅱ类) S4 0.014 0.000 0.014 162.0 4.65 0.2(Ⅲ类) S5 0.046 0.006 0.040 210.0 9.52 0.2(Ⅲ类) S6 0.015 0.000 0.015 78.3 3.66 0.1(Ⅱ类) S7 0.312 0.013 0.295 97.7 15.33 0.4(Ⅴ类) S8 0.202 0.116 0.086 363.0 12.22 0.4(Ⅴ类) S9 0.377 0.285 0.092 366.0 16.18 0.4(Ⅴ类) S10 0.303 0.121 0.182 134.0 11.26 0.4(Ⅴ类) S11 0.205 0.071 0.134 309.0 17.69 0.4(Ⅴ类) S12 0.259 0.203 0.056 386.0 9.13 0.4(Ⅴ类) S13 0.433 0.181 0.252 347.0 11.34 0.4(Ⅴ类) S14 0.410 0.304 0.106 198.0 12.80 0.4(Ⅴ类) 平均值 0.188 0.093 0.094 257.0 — — -
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