随着我国经济水平的提高,城镇污水处理无论在数量还是质量上都得到了迅速发展。截至2017年12月,我国已运行污水处理厂5 006座,处理能力近1.85×108 m3 ·d−1,预计2016—2020年城镇生活污水排放量仍将保持6%的快速增长趋势[1-2]。随着人们对环境质量要求的逐渐提高,政府对城镇污水处理厂排放标准的要求也进一步提高。虽然目前部分地区出台了更加严格的地方标准,但是目前《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》 (GB 18918-2002)一级A排放标准(以下简称一级A标准)(或一级B)仍是我国大部分城镇污水处理厂执行的主要标准。由于进水水质或污水处理厂运行调控水平等原因,城镇污水处理厂出水的稳定达到标准(一级A标准)仍存在较大难度。
Logic analysis method and application of total nitrogen exceeding the standard in urban sewage treatment plant
摘要: 基于脱氮原理及实际工程经验,建立了总氮(TN)超标逻辑分析方法,用于解决城镇污水处理厂出水TN无法稳定达到一级A标准的问题。该逻辑分析方法结合全流程检测和硝化潜力检测手段,可快速确定出水TN超标原因,并加快制定解决方案的进度。在水厂实际应用案例中,通过全流程检测发现,该厂出水TN超标的原因是缺氧池脱氮效率较低,从而导致出水硝态氮(
${\rm{NO}}_3^ - $ -N)较高。在结合TN超标逻辑分析方法后,该污水处理厂采取了关闭曝气沉砂池曝气系统、在厌氧池投加乙酸钠等调控措施,最终出水TN实现稳定达标排放。综上所述,总氮超标逻辑分析方法可有效解决实际生产过程中的出水TN超标问题,为城镇污水处理厂出水总氮达标排放提供参考。Abstract: Based on the denitrification principle and practical engineering experience, a logic analysis method of total nitrogen(TN) exceeding standard was established to deal with the problem that TN in the effluent of urban sewage treatment plant could not stably reach the first-class A level of national standard. The method combined the whole process monitoring and nitrification potential detection measures, could rapidly identify the reason for TN exceeding standard in the effluent, and accelerated the progress of developing solutions. In the case of practical application in urban sewage treatment plant, the whole process detection indicated that the reason for TN exceeding standard in the effluent was low denitrification efficiency in the anoxic tank, which results in high${\rm{NO}}_3^ - $ -N content in the effluent. After the combination with logic analysis method of TN exceeding standard, this urban sewage treatment plant adopted the regulating measurements of shutting down the aeration system in the aerated grit chamber and adding carbon source of sodium acetate in the anaerobic tank, and finally TN in the effluent reached the discharge standard. In summary, the logic analysis method of total nitrogen exceeding the standard can effectively solve the problem of TN exceeding, and provide a reference for the discharge of total nitrogen in the effluent of urban sewage treatment plants.-
Key words:
- total nitrogen /
- exceeding standard /
- logic analysis method /
- whole process detection
表 1 现阶段城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准
Table 1. Discharge standard of pollutants from sewage treatment plant at present stage
标准 COD/(mg·L−1) BOD5/(mg·L−1) SS/(mg·L−1) TN/(mg·L−1) ${{\rm{NH}}_4^ +}$ -N/(mg·L−1)TP/(mg·L−1) pH 一级A出水标准 50 15 10 15 5(8)1) 0.5(1)2) 6~9 贾鲁河排放标准 40 10 10 15 3 0.5 — 注:1)括号内数值为水温≤12 ℃时的控制指标;2)括号内数据适用于2005年12月31日前建立的污水处理厂。 表 2 不同反应阶段活性污泥反硝化潜力
Table 2. Denitrification potential of activated sludge at different reaction stages
阶段 硝态氮消耗
速率/(mg· h−1)MLVSS/
(mg·(g·h)−1)1 18.96 2 115 8.96 2 1.80 2 115 0.85 -
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