繁殖/生殖毒性类化合物由于特殊的毒理作用模式(mode of action,MOA),通过影响生物繁衍影响到种群和群落,因此依靠基于急、慢性毒性测试终点和传统基准推导方法推导的水生态基准值并不能够为水生生物群落结构提供足够的保护。本文根据文献资料,分析了推导此类化合物水生态基准时的关键科学问题,包括繁殖/生殖毒性类化合物MOA,毒性数据类型,受试物种选择,以及不同生命阶段、多代毒性测试和测试终点的判别和选择。并用所收集的壬基酚数据,尝试推导了基于水生生物生殖毒性的水生态基准值。研究得出基于生殖毒性的壬基酚预测无观察效应浓度(PNEC)值为0.12 μg·L-1,其数值比美国环境保护局根据传统基准方法推导的基准持续浓度(CCC)的6.59 μg·L-1低了近50倍。因此,基于其繁殖毒性(包括产卵量、受精率、孵化率、多代效应以及种群变化等)的实验结果更适合用于具有繁殖/生殖毒性污染物水生态基准的推导。
Chemicals causing reproductive toxicity (CCRT) can cause the change of the population and community by affecting biological reproduction due to its specific toxicological mode of action (MOA). It has been recognized that aquatic life criteria based on traditional acute and chronic endpoints of toxicity are unable to provide adequate protection because some chemicals may affect reproductive fitness of aquatic organisms at much lower concentrations. This review was undertaken to identify key outstanding issues of ALC deriving for CCRT, including the need for and relevance of acute toxicity data and a criteria maximum concentration (CMC), defining minimum data requirements in terms of taxonomic coverage, defining appropriate chronic toxicity data and effect endpoints. In addition, a predicted no effect concentration (PNEC) of 0.12 μg·L-1 were derived for nonylphenol (NP) based on literature reproduction data. This result is lesser by a factor of 50 than the criteria continuous concentration(CCC) of 6.59 μg·L-1 derived by use of acute to chronic ratios (ACRs) recommended by US EPA. Therefore, toxicity data based on their reproductive toxicity (including fecundity, fertility, hatchability, multi-generational effects and changes in the population, and etc.) is more suitable for ALC deriving for CCRT.