Research progress of metal nanoclusters titanium dioxide nanotube array(MNCs-TNTAs) composites
摘要: 一维纳米TiO2材料和同时具有分子特性与部分纳米颗粒特性的金属纳米团簇(NCs)是两种新型纳米材料,近年来受到学界广泛关注,二者在多个领域的应用发展潜力巨大.金属纳米团簇-二氧化钛纳米管阵列材料(MNCs-TNTAs)是一种新型复合材料,通过在二氧化钛纳米管表面上均匀分布金属纳米团簇,使得二者形成协同效应,光电和光催化等活性显著增强.但至今关于此材料还没有系统报道,本文综述了MNCs-TNTAs的材料结构、合成方法及相关应用.MNCs的加入使得TNTA吸收光谱红移,并促进光生载流子的分离,同时MNCs还可充当辅助催化剂.合成关键步骤在于二者的结合,方法有静电自组装法和胶体沉积法,其中胶体沉积法生产的材料更稳定.目前,尚有MNCs-TNTA在光电化学(PEC裂解水)、光催化降解有机污染物、还原硝基化合物等方面的应用.未来可以通过改善结合方法、纳米团簇配体种类等手段提升其稳定性,并拓展其在光催化氧化,太阳能电池等方面的应用.Abstract: One-dimensional titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanomaterial and metal nanoclusters (MNCs) with both molecular and partial nanoparticle properties are two new types of nanomaterials that have recently attracted extensive research attention and promise great potential for applications in diverse fields. As a new family of composite material, MNC-TiO2 nanotube arrays (MNCs-TNTAs) are fabricated by attaching MNCs uniformly onto the surfaces of TiO2 nanotubes and, owing to synergistic effect between the MNCs and TiO2 nanotubes (TNTAs), have exhibited significantly enhanced photoelectricity and photocatalysis. Unfortunately, there is no review on MNCs-TNTAs in the literature so far. Herein, we systematically reviewed the structure, preparation methods, and applications of MNCs-TNTAs. Owing to the presence of MNCs, MNCs-TNTAs exhibited red-shift in absorption and promoted separation of photogenerated carriers as compared to TNTAs. Besides, the MNCs in MNCs-TNTAs could act as an auxiliary catalyst. In the preparation of MNCs-TNTAs, the challenge was how to attach MNCs uniformly onto TNTAs. To this end, proved methods included electrostatic self-assembly and colloidal deposition, and MNCs-TNTAs produced by the latter were more stable. To date, MNCs-TNTAs had been intensively studied for applications, for example, photo-electrochemistry (PEC water splitting), photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants, and the reduction of nitro compounds. We anticipated that the stability of MNCs-TNTAs may be improved, for example, promoting the binding of MNCs with TNTAs and development in metal cluster ligands and that their applications meight be expanded to photocatalytic oxidation and solar cells.
Key words:
- TiO2 nanotube arrays /
- metal nanoclusters /
- composite materials /
- photoelectric catalysis
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