Review of photocatalytic membrane reactors in water treatment
摘要: 多相光催化技术是目前最具有发展前景的水处理技术之一,其原理是光催化剂在光辐照下产生羟基自由基、超氧自由基等具有强氧化性的活性物种,从而降解各种有机污染物、灭活病原微生物、处理药剂废水等.但是该技术存在催化剂回收难、后续处理困难等问题.通过光催化技术与膜技术耦合而发展起的光催化膜反应器(photocatalytic membrane reactors,PMRs)将有效解决上述问题:相对于单独光催化处理,PMRs具有工艺简化、催化剂易于回收等优点;相对于单独膜处理,其又具有矿化完全、不易产生膜污染等优点.光催化剂种类(TiO2、g-C3N4、CeO2、MOFs材料、铋系光催化剂等),膜基材(有机膜、无机膜、陶瓷膜、聚合膜等),以及结合光催化剂与膜基的复合膜均对光催化膜反应器的性能有重要影响.目前,根据不同的水质及处理要求,国内外的光催化膜反应器类型主要分悬浮型和固定型,文章对不同种类光催化膜反应器构造、处理对象及其优缺点进行了详细论述;深入讨论了PMRs在实际应用中尚存在的技术、经济成本等限制问题.Abstract: Heterogeneous photocatalysis technology is one of the most promising water treatment technologies. The principle is that the photocatalysts are excited by photons and generate various reactive oxygen species (ROSs) including hydroxyl radicals and superoxide radicals. These generated ROSs with strong oxidizing properties could degrade organic pollutants, inactivate various pathogenic microorganisms, and treat pharmaceutical wastewater. However, photocatalysis has difficulty in recycling photocatalyst and subsequent treatment. Photocatalytic membrane reactors (PMRs) developed by coupling photocatalysis with membrane process could solve these problems. Compared with single photocatalysis, PMRs have the advantages of simplified process and easy recovery of catalyst. Compared with single membrane process, PMRs have the advantages of complete mineralization and less membrane fouling. These three parameters have important influences on the performance of the PMRs, which are types of photocatalyst (TiO2, g-C3N4, CeO2, MOFs material and Bi-based photocatalysts, etc.), membrane substrate (organic membrane, inorganic membrane, ceramic membrane, polymer membrane, etc.) and composite membranes composed of photocatalyst materials and membrane substrate. According to different water quality and processing requirements, the configurations of PMRs can be divided into two types due to the immobilized photocatalyst and suspended photocatalyst. The reactor structures, treatment objects, advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of photocatalytic membrane reactors were discussed in detail. There still exist limitations of technical and economic costs in practical applications for PMRs.
Key words:
- photocatalysis /
- membrane material /
- PMRs /
- water treatment
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