Seasonal distribution and potential sources of urea in the surface seawater of jiaozhou bay
摘要: 根据2012年7月(丰水期)、2012年11月(平水期)、2013年3月(枯水期)和2013年5月(枯水期)在胶州湾海域进行的4次调查资料,分析了胶州湾不同季节表层海水中尿素的分布特征和可能来源,并初步探讨了胶州湾尿素和溶解有机氮(DON)的生物可利用性.结果表明,胶州湾尿素含量(以N计)分布在0.16—26.22 μmol·L-1范围内,平均为5.39±5.21 μmol·L-1,尿素在DON中的占比在0.02—0.89范围内,平均为0.21±0.21.胶州湾不同季节尿素空间分布呈现明显的斑块状,高值区主要位于胶州湾北部和东北部.胶州湾尿素含量呈现明显的季节差异,枯水期尿素含量及其在DON中的占比均明显高于平水期和丰水期.胶州湾丰水期和平水期尿素含量和分布主要决定于陆源输入,且与氨氮具有相似的来源和转化过程.胶州湾不同季节尿素浓度及其在DON占比都较高,表明胶州湾DON具有较高的生物可利用性,对该海域浮游植物生长影响不容忽视.
- 胶州湾 /
- 尿素 /
- 溶解有机氮(DON) /
- 季节变化 /
- 生物可利用性
Abstract: Based on the data of four cruises during July 2012 to May 2013 carried out in the Jiaozhou Bay (JZB), the seasonal spatial distribution and potential sources of urea were investigated, and the bioavailability of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in the JZB was also assessed. The results showed the concentration of urea (calculated as N) ranged from 0.16 to 26.22 μmol·L-1, and its mean value was 5.39±5.21 μmol·L-1 in the JZB. The proportion of urea to DON ranged from 0.02 to 0.89, and its average value was 0.21±0.21. The urea concentration displayed a patchy distribution in the JZB in different seasons, and its high value appeared in the north and northeast of the JZB. The content of urea in the JZB displayed an obvious seasonal variation. Both the content of urea and the proportion of urea to DON in wet and normal season, which were significantly influenced by terrestrial input, were higher than those in the dry season. On the other hand, the urea and ammonia nitrogen in the JZB were derived from the same sources and experienced similar biogeochemistry processes. Both high value of urea concentration and high proportion of urea to DON indicated that DON in the JZB may possess high bioavailability and be an important nitrogen nutrient of the JZB's phytoplankton.-
Key words:
- Jiaozhou Bay /
- urea /
- dissolved organic nitrogen /
- seasonal variation /
- bioavailability
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