Occurrence, Management and Source Attribution of Pentachlorophenol in Water Environment of China
摘要: 五氯酚(PCP)属内分泌污染物,也是可对生物产生复合毒性的有机污染物。五氯酚及其钠盐曾被用作杀螺剂在我国血吸虫病流行疫区大范围长时间使用。为了解PCP在中国水环境中的污染现状,在阐述中国PCP的生产使用状况基础上,重点论述中国水环境介质中PCP的污染分布及影响因素。中国多地河流水环境中均存在PCP,其中沿长江流域的长江、洞庭湖、鄱阳湖PCP残留量较高,虽均在限值范围内,但PCP污染范围有从主要江河、湖泊等向沿海海域蔓延的趋势。PCP使用历史、用药区域类型、区域PCP消耗量等均会影响PCP的残留量,血吸虫病疫区PCP残留量明显高于对照区,在PCP及其钠盐显著减少使用后(2003年以后),施药历史仍然影响着水体介质中PCP的残留情况,PCP虽已停用,但其对环境所造成的不良影响还在持续。与国外研究相比,我国水环境介质中的PCP污染偏高且有上升趋势,这可能与部分区域近年来重现血吸虫病后施药控制有关。未来一段时期内有关PCP及其环境副产物在环境介质中的迁移转化规律、人群暴露评估、污染介质修复技术以及其替代品的研制都将是研究重点领域。Abstract: Pentachlorophenol (PCP) is a typical endocrine disrupting pollutant and persistent organic pollutant with complex environmental fate and various toxic effects. PCP and its sodium salt had been widely employed as molluscicide in many schistosomiasis endemic areas of China for a long time period. In the present study, in order to understand the status of PCP contamination in water environment of China, PCP distribution and the corresponding influencing factors were determined and discussed based on its production and usage. PCP has been detected in many main rivers and lakes in China, and extremely higher concentrations of PCP have been detected in Yangtze River Basin, including Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake. Although the concentrations of PCP in water environment of China were lower than the water quality criteria, our results showed that PCP contaminations have been extended from major rivers and lakes to the coast areas. The history of usage, the type of the area and the consumption of PCP were the main factors contributing the residues of PCP in ambient water environment. Concentrations of PCP in schistosomiasis endemic areas were significantly greater than that in the control areas. Even after 2003 when production of PCP was significantly decreased, the history of PCP usage was still the main factor for PCP residues. The adverse effects of PCP to the environment could last for a while, albeit the production of PCP was banned. Compared with other countries, concentrations of PCP in China were relatively higher, and a slightly increasing trend of PCP contamination was observed in water environment, which might be due to the reuse of PCP resulted from the reemergence of schistosomiasis. The migration and transformation of PCP and it’s environment-related byproducts in environmental media, health risk assessment, and remediation technology for PCP contaminated medium as well as substitutes should be addressed in future research.
Key words:
- pentachlorophenol (PCP) /
- endocrine pollutants /
- water environment /
- contamination status /
- residue /
- schistosomiasis
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