我国是碳排放大国,2019年我国二氧化碳排放总量约115亿t,占全球的30%,非二氧化碳温室气体排放约24亿t二氧化碳当量,碳汇10亿t[2-4]。其中污水处理行业碳排放量占总排放量的1%~2%,是不可忽略的减排领域[5]。随着城镇化的推进和污水处理设施的完善,我国城镇污泥产生量巨大,截至2019年底,我国城镇污泥年产量达3 923万t(80%含水率)[6]。污泥若不妥善处置,随意抛弃,会带来二次污染问题,为此国家加强了污泥处理处置工作[7]。
——以广州市为例Analysis of carbon emissions of sludge disposal methods based on the "dual carbon" target
摘要: 通过分析广州市城镇污水、污泥产量及各处置方式城镇污泥量,并针对土地利用、建材利用、焚烧利用和卫生填埋等4种不同处置方式,计算污泥处置过程中的碳排放量,依据往年数据,构建多元回归模型,预测未来广州市碳排放量。结果表明,截至2020年底, 广州市共有污水处理厂63座,处理能力为774 万m3/d,城市污泥年产生量为104.78万t(含水率为80%,下同),处置方式主要以建材利用和焚烧发电为主,二氧化碳当量约为1 690.97×106 kg CO2-eq,以黄浦、白云和荔湾区排放最多。同时,预测2030年广州市城镇污泥产量将达到2 059.05万t,与此同时二氧化碳当量将达到34 134.48×106 kg CO2-eq,较2020年增长1 918.63%,因此为了“双碳”目标的实现,必须继续优化城镇污泥的处置方式。Abstract: By analyzing the output of urban sewage and sludge in Guangzhou and the amount of urban sludge by different disposal methods, the carbon emissions in the sludge disposal process are calculated for four different disposal methods including land use, building material utilization, incineration and sanitary landfilling. Based on the data from previous years, a multiple regression model to predict future carbon emissions in Guangzhou is constructed. There are 63 sewage treatment plants in Guangzhou at the end of 2020, with a treatment capacity of 7.74 million m3/d, and an annual urban sludge production of 1.0478 million tons (with a moisture content of 80%, the same below). The main disposal methods are building materials utilization and incineration for power generation. The emission of greenhouse gas is about 1 690.97×106 kg CO2-eq, with the most emissions in Huangpu District, Baiyun District and Liwan District. It is predicted that the output of urban sludge in Guangzhou in 2030 will reach 20,590,500 tons. In addition, carbon emissions will reach 3 4134.48×106 kg CO2-eq, increasing of 1 918.63% compared to 2020. Therefore, in order to achieve the "dual carbon" goal, it is necessary to optimize the disposal of urban sludge.
Key words:
- municipal sludge /
- sludge production /
- disposal method /
- carbon emission /
- multiple regression model
表 1 2020年广州市不同处置方式污泥占比
% 建材
填埋其他 50.70 39.93 3.32 5.20 0.40 0.45 表 2 广州市及各区不同污泥处置方式碳排放量
106 kg CO2-eq 市(区) 建材利用 焚烧利用 土地利用 卫生填埋 总和 番禺区 13.75 13.39 0.00 0.00 27.14 花都区 100.59 19.88 46.02 0.00 166.48 黄埔区 42.46 331.03 0.00 0.00 373.49 南沙区 0.00 60.17 0.00 0.00 60.17 增城区 13.89 45.52 0.03 0.00 59.45 从化区 26.69 1.82 0.00 0.00 28.52 荔湾区 132.53 127.32 0.00 2.60 262.44 海珠区 36.31 210.90 0.00 0.00 247.21 天河区 66.51 134.45 0.00 0.09 201.05 白云区 226.04 35.01 0.00 3.95 265.01 广州市 658.78 979.50 46.05 6.64 1 690.97 表 3 广州市污泥预测多元模型指标统计
t/a 污泥产量/万t 城镇化率/% 地区生产总值/亿元 城镇污水处理率/% 2010 100.85 83.78 10 640.67 85.65 2011 152.20 84.13 12 199.69 79.43 2012 65.15 85.02 13 194.69 82.73 2013 53.03 85.27 15 050.40 91.38 2014 39.40 85.43 16 135.95 98.72 2015 121.65 85.53 17 347.37 93.22 2016 100.33 86.06 18 559.73 94.28 2017 60.24 86.14 19 871.67 95.00 2018 81.72 86.38 21 002.44 95.53 2019 105.21 86.46 23 628.60 97.00 -
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