人工湿地作为一种新的污水处理技术兴起于20世纪70年代末[1-2]。人工湿地在投入使用过程中常见的问题就是发生湿地堵塞状况,不合理的设计工艺以及运行过程中的管理不到位都将导致系统堵塞[3]。美国环境保护署(USEPA)对已经投入运行的100个人工湿地进行现状调查,结果表明已有半数的人工湿地发生了堵塞现象[4]。国内已投入运行的人工湿地中也出现了堵塞现象,例如牛山溪、白泥坑 、雁田等[5-6]人工湿地均出现不同程度的堵塞情况。堵塞将导致基质孔隙率下降,水力传导系数降低,湿地布水均匀性下降,湿地表层雍水,进而将导致湿地的处理能力下降,甚至丧失功能[7-8]。
Research on control effect of aeration on blocking process of subsurface flow constructed wetland
摘要: 为了解决人工湿地在运行过程中发生的堵塞状况,在曝气和未曝气两种状态下,对人工湿地系统各个深度基质堵塞过程情况进行了研究。结果表明:在曝气状态下,人工湿地系统堵塞情况优于未曝气状态下,堵塞过程中的水头损失低于未曝气状态,孔隙率和渗透系数的下降趋势均低于未曝气状态,有机质的含量高于未曝气状态。人工湿地的堵塞程度表现为上层基质(0~20 cm)高于中层基质(20~60 cm)高于低层基质(60~100 cm)。Abstract: In order to solve the blockage of the constructed wetland during operation, under the condition of aeration and non-aeration, the blockage process of each depth matrix of the constructedted wetland system is studied. The results show that the blockage of the constructed wetland system with aeration is better than that without aeration. The head loss and the decreasing trend of the porosity as well as the permeability coefficient are all lower than that under non-aeration condition. While the content of organic matter with aeration is higher. The blockage degree of the constructed wetland indicates that the upper substrate (0~20 cm) is higher than the middle substrate (20~60 cm) and the lower substrate (60~100 cm).
Key words:
- constructed wetlands /
- aeration /
- blocking /
- head loss /
- porosity
表 1 人工湿地进水水质
mg·L−1 项目 COD NH3-N TP TN 进水 47.57 ~113.02 5.78 ~11.24 1.62 ~3.46 13.8~49.2 表 2 未曝气系统不同位置深度水头损失变化情况
水平深度/cm 垂直深度/cm 20 40 60 80 20 3.5 cm·H2O 3.5 cm·H2O 3.2 cm·H2O 3.2 cm·H2O 40 1.4 cm·H2O 1.2 cm·H2O 1.1 cm·H2O 1.1 cm·H2O 60 0.6 cm·H2O 0.6 cm·H2O 0.6 cm·H2O 0.6 cm·H2O 80 0.3 cm·H2O 0.2 cm·H2O 0.1 cm·H2O 0.1 cm·H2O 表 3 曝气系统不同位置深度水头损失变化情况
水平深度/cm 垂直深度/cm 20 40 60 80 20 3.2 cm·H2O 2.9 cm·H2O 2.8 cm·H2O 2.7 cm·H2O 40 1.0 cm·H2O 0.9 cm·H2O 0.7 cm·H2O 0.7 cm·H2O 60 0. 4 cm·H2O 0.3 cm·H2O 0.3 cm·H2O 0.3 cm·H2O 80 0.1 cm·H2O 0.1 cm·H2O 0.1 cm·H2O 0.1 cm·H2O -
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