国际研究者较早开始了抽水方案的设计研究[9-10],如DOUGHERTY假设稳定流求解多目标,将模拟退火法应用于抽水设计中[11]。MCKINNEY et al[12-13]分别采用改进遗传算法优化了目标函数,确定了抽水量、井位置, BECKER et al[14-15]均使用MGO(modular groundwater optimizer)和专家试算法对场地开展模拟与方案设计,节省5%~50%的成本,目前国内对于抽水方案的设计逐渐开始结合优化程序开展 [16-18],有较好应用前景,但需要技术人员有较强的编程基础,有一定普及难度。近年来随着地下水污染场地增多,国内研究者结合较丰富现场数据,通过专家试算法设计抽水方案的案例逐渐增多[19-21]。加权平均法也用来开展不同方案的评价与比选,但此前研究主要基于理想模型,没有结合实际场地开展讨论[22-23]。
本研究以氯代烃污染地下水场地为研究对象,基于详细调查结果绘制污染羽,借助GMS(Groundwater modeling system)建立数值模型,开展抽水方案设计,目标是消除浓度大于3 000 μg/L的污染羽,通过设定多因素多水平实验,试验稳定井流和非稳定井流,通过加权平均和聚类分析,确定最优方案。
Design of pumping project for a groundwater contaminated site based on numerical simulation
摘要: 为指导山东某氯代烃地下水污染场地开展地下水修复风险管控,建立了单层非均质二维地下水流模型和溶质运移模型,通过实测数据完成了模型的识别与验证。基于修复浓度大于3 000 μg/L污染物的目标,讨论48例不同井数量、不同抽水量的抽水方案,通过加权平均评价和聚类分析确定了响应不同性质事件的最优方案。结果表明:方案3~8在较短时间501 d达到设定修复标准,比对照组节省成本48%。实验验证了关停上游低效率抽水井、合理设计不同井位抽水量可提高截获效率,为类似污染场地地下水抽水方案设计提供了参考依据。Abstract: In order to guide the groundwater remediation and the risk control in a certain chlorinated hydrocarbon groundwater contaminated site in Shandong province, a monolayer heterogeneous two-dimensional groundwater flow model and a solute transport model were established. The identification and verification of the model were completed with the measured data. In order to repair the plume with a concentration of more than 3000 μg/L, 48 pumping projects with different number of wells and different amount of water were analyzed. The optimal project under different situations was determined by weighted average and cluster analysis. The results showed that the repair standard could be accomplished within 501 days by plan 3 to 8 by saving 48% of the cost comparing with the control group. The experiment verified that it could improve the interception efficiency by closing the low-efficiency pumping wells upstream and rationally designing the pumping water at different well locations, thus providing a reference for the design of pumping projects in similar polluted sites.
表 1 加权方案
决策变量 加权方案1
(达标时间)抽出水量 0.50 0.30 0.20 时间 0.15 0.15 0.50 截获效率 0.30 0.50 0.20 井数量 0.05 0.05 0.10 -
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